September 29, 2010

Wallpaper Wednesday

Hello everyone, and a very happy Wednesday to you! 
It is Wednesday today, right?  *whew* Good! ;)
Last Wallpaper Wednesday I wasn't sure which Silver Screen star would be making his or her appearance today.
After much thought, I decided to keep going with my favorite actors and actresses.
I present to you...Humphrey Bogart!
{Full size image on the Graphic Design page}
Ahh, Bogie...  I've only seen Bogie in two movies - Sabrina, with Audrey Hepburn, and Casablanca, with Ingrid Bergman - but I love him in both.
Next time on Wallpaper Wednesday, keep your eyes open for...Audrey Hepburn!
Special requests are welcome!  If you have a favorite silver screen actor or actress, or a favorite movie that you'd like to see on here, please let me know.

September 26, 2010

Narnia Personality Quiz

I've said before that I love quizzes, but I especially love personality quizzes:)
So I couldn't resist when I found this fun Narnia Personality Quiz!
Although I'm definitely not a son of Adam, and "seeing is believing" isn't really me either, the description of Edmund's character seemed pretty similar to mine in some ways...not in all ways, mind you, but in some;)

Narnia Personality Quiz
Take this quiz at Sparrow's Song
Edmund has always been my favorite character from the Chronicles of Narnia series.  He was a traitor, and yet when he repented he was fully and freely forgiven, no strings attached. 
I love that.
So, I don't mind that my personality is similar to Edmund's, because I too have been fully and freely forgiven by He who died for me.

September 23, 2010

{Belated} Wallpaper Wednesday

I'm crazy.
I thought today was Wednesday.
It is, in fact, Thursday.
My brain still thinks it's Wednesday.
I hate that feeling.
Today's wallpaper features Olivia de Havilland, who is my absolute favorite actress!
It is also purple.  I love purple=)
{Full size image located on the Graphic Design page}
Olivia de Havilland is one classy lady.  She has the distinction of being the only actor/actress still alive who had a leading part in the movie Gone With The Wind.
Note: I found most of these images at Olivia De Havilland - The Loveliest Leading Lady, and also on Google Images. 
I'm not sure which silver screen star will be making his or her appearance next Wednesday, so it'll be a surprise:)

September 19, 2010

The Snake Hunter

What's this?
Is it alive?  Oh joy! it is!!
This thing doesn't do much...
Now what?
Oh well, I guess I might as well bring it along with me...
So long, folks!

September 15, 2010

Jimmy Stewart

I think I'll just make this Wallpaper Wednesday;)
And here's the next silver screen wallpaper...
Jimmy Stewart!  
{Head over to the Graphic Design page for the full size image}
Jimmy is without a doubt my very favorite actor, although Errol Flynn and Randolph Scott run very close seconds.
Check back next Wednesday for my favorite actress - Olivia de Havilland!

September 8, 2010

~Swing Time~

By special request...
Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire in Swing Time!
{Full size image can be found on the Graphic Design page}
Note: the small picture on the left was found on, the larger image is from Dr. Macros.
This was a special request from Kellie.  I hope you like it, dear!  My mom bids me tell you that it was her idea to color in Fred's boutonniere:)  She really enjoyed helping me with this design, and had some great ideas.
Stay tuned for the next wallpaper design featuring...Jimmy Stewart!

September 7, 2010

West Coast Pilgrimage

A fun slideshow of pics and videos that my cuz put together of our trip in July.

September 5, 2010

~The Little Princess~

Introducing the latest Silver Screen desktop wallpaper, Shirley Temple in The Little Princess!
{Once again, the full sized image can be found on the Graphic Design page.}
Coming up next, Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers in Swing Time!
Happy Trails, y'all!