
November 8, 2011

Fall Fashion Challenge {Day Three}

{Day Three} of the Fall Fashion Challenge.
Today's challenge is...bold tights!

First off, I don't wear bright colored socks or tights.  
I just never have...except for the ones with candy canes on them that I wore when I was a little kid. 
Colored tights look really fun, so I may have to change my ways.  
But today the most exciting thing I could find in my sock draw, were some navy blue, lace-y-ish knee highs.  
They'll have to do.

And here are my "bold" tights.  haha!

~My Outfit~
Cardigan - stolen from my mom's closet and I have no idea where it originally came from
Blouse - made by me using this pattern.
Skirt - could it be...?  yes, it could be the same skirt as Day 1 and Day 2.  I promise I'll wear a different skirt tomorrow;)
Knee High tights - Fred Meyer
Black Flats - Fred Meyer

Happy Trails y'all!


  1. You're not alone in the "I don't wear colored tights" camp. All my tights are black and white-ish. I haven't worn colored tights since my purple ones gave up the ghost...fifteen years ago. :-P Like you, though, I'd like to (someday, Lord willing) incorporate some color in that least a new pair of purple ones! ;-)

    Your outfit looks comfy and classic at the same time. Hmmm...Comfily Classic? Classically Comfy? Anyway, nice outfit.

    God bless,
    ~"Wild Rose"~

  2. The scarf is so classy! And yes, I think we should both go in for some bright tights... I'm actually hungry for a mustard colored pair, believe it or not=)

  3. Haha, all my tights are from Fred Meyer! XP Super cute outfit -- I really like your blouse!


  4. You're all so sweet! I just love reading your comments:)

    @Wild Rose - purple tights would be awesome! Very good idea=)

    @Kellie - Oh, I believe it. Mustard tights with our grey sweaters?! Totally;D
    I just wish I could wear yellow around my face, but since I can't tights would be an awesome alternative. =)


Comments are my one weakness - thanks for taking the time to say hello!