
November 7, 2011


It was spitting snow a wee bit ago. Not much, but hey, it's white;)

I've been enjoying talking to my extra "little bro" Matthew (aka Peppy, aka Ani) on Google Chat lately.  And I mean actual conversations, not just insulting each other back and forth...although we did that, too.  I've known him since he was 4-years-old and I used to give him piggyback rides. As he is now 6'1" and still climbing, those days are long gone.  He might kill me for saying this on my blog, but I'll risk it. ;)

Listening to soundtracks from Narnia, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars and some movies I'm not familiar with on Pandora.  Soundtracks are so cool, especially when you're in a thinking, listening mood.

Have you checked out Kellie Falconer Design's One Year Anniversary Sale and Giveaway yet?  If you haven't, you should.  Now.  Please?


I'm having loads of fun participating in Bramblewood Fashion's Fall Fashion Challenge!  I was in a slump fashion wise, so it's been immensely helpful.

I'm lovin' the fact that Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall had boxer dogs.  Too fun!

Source: via Natasha on Pinterest

While I was reading Psalms this morning this verse popped out at me...
Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation. Selah.
Psalm 68:19

As I discover new favorite classic film actresses and actors, I clean the library out on movies starring them.  Last week it was Maureen O'Hara.  I'd only ever seen her in The Parent Trap with Hayley Mills, but now I've seen The Hunchback of Notre Dame, The Black Swan, How Green Was My Valley, and a few others.  Simply gorgeous lady!

After watching in The Black Swan (which also starred Tyrone Power - new discovery there), I stopped to muse on why pirates are so fascinating...  I mean, they were thieves and murderers!  What's so romantic about that?!  Nothing really, except that there's an undeniable charm about least in movies.  I highly doubt they were charming in real life.

Along the same line, what makes us ladies like rogues and scoundrels so much in movies?  
They're not bad...but they could be.
Like Han Solo, for example...

"Scoundrel?  I like the sound of that..."
Ok, forget I asked that question - I just remembered why;)

Sorry to get, ahem, swoon-y on y'all there...
I think I'd better end this post before I totally disgrace myself and you all stop following me...=)

Hope you all have/had a lovely evening!


  1. I knew I could count on you, Cuz!;)

  2. :Ahem: 6' 2". And maybe a half.

    And I'll agree with you there, Han Solo is awesome. Even from a guy's perspective... =)

    And I suppose I won't kill you this once.


    P.S. Did I tell you that I got another motorcycle the other day? It's this uber cool 1200cc cruiser style road bike. Totally awesome.

  3. Ani -
    I beg your pardon - 6'2" and maybe a half.

    Finally, something we agree on! ;)

    Many thanks for not killing me...this time.


    P.S. The matte black one with the flames? It sounds really cool! You'll have to show me on Saturday.

  4. Yeah, it's cool. Except that now we have to find out why it's leaking gas out of the carbs. But it was running today. Has a nice sound. At least, I think it sounds nice. I don't think anyone else agrees with me though...


Comments are my one weakness - thanks for taking the time to say hello!