
November 10, 2011

Fall Fashion Challenge {Day Five}

Hello everyone!  I hope you're all having a lovely day today!
The day got away from me yesterday and I didn't get pictures of my day four outfit.  I really wanted to do day four because the theme was "your favorite era".  My favorite era fashion wise is the 40s and 50s.  From the outfits I saw, it's a lot of you girls favorite, too:)

Anyway, it is now {Day Five} of the Fall Fashion Challenge and the challenge for today is...Polka Dots!

I love polka dots.  That being so, it's rather shocking that I only have one item in my closet with polka dots!
Very shocking indeed.

My brother's horse Dewey kindly consented to pose with me.  
I saw kindly because he isn't very fond of me.  
I have no idea why, except that he's a one person horse and adores my brother.  
But he does enjoying posing for the camera;)
My own horse, Bob, was far too dirty to take pictures with.  
One of the problems a white horse has this time of year.

Please pardon my headless state - the sun was shinning right in my eyes and my smile looked more like a grimace of pain.  That and my eyes were closed;)

~My Outfit~
Brown Baby Cable Cardigan - JC Penny's (bought it the other day on sale for 1/2 price! =)
Blouse - made by me (same pattern as my Day Four blouse)
Denim Skirt - made by me (my favorite 1/2 circle skirt)
Petticoat - made by me (1/2 circle flannel with hand crocheted lace trim)
Boots - I asked my mom and she thinks we got them from Foot Smart.  Can't be sure, though.

Happy Trails y'all!


  1. I love your outfit. Did you crochet the lace on your petticoat?


  2. Adorable. That blouse always makes me so hungry for mint chocolate chip ice cream;)

    Dewey is such a ham! Oh my. His personality matches Alex's to a T=)


  3. Super cute! Dewey is adorable, and so is your outfit! I really like that last picture!


  4. I'm always hungry for mint chocolate chip ice cream anyway.


  5. Thanks for your lovely comments everyone!

    @Brigid - Yes, I did crochet the lace. :)

    @Kellie - Me, too!

    @Ani - Naturally.

  6. Oh Tasha, I love love love your blouse! It is so cute. :)


Comments are my one weakness - thanks for taking the time to say hello!