
March 2, 2013

Saturday Matinee | no. 4

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1967 - G
Thoroughly Modern Millie | She's fun, feminine, and she's modern.  Millie (Julie Andrews) is on a mission.  To land a job as a stenographer and marry her boss.  Simple, right?  Wrong.  Between white slavers trying to kidnapMiss Dorothy (Mary Tyler Moore), an elevator that won't run unless you dance in it, a laundry hamper with squeaky wheels, and Jimmy Smith (James Fox), there isn't much that can't go wrong in 1922 New York!
One of the wackiest, silliest, corniest musicals ever, but I LOVE it!  With Julie Andrews, how could you go wrong?!  It's rated G, but I think PG would be appropriate.  Some more mature content, although most would go right over younger children's heads.  I'd recommend this for young ladies 16 and up...although my bro certainly enjoyed watching the last 10 minutes with me.  He was laughing harder than I was, and that's saying something. ;)

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1966 - Not Rated
How to Steal a Million | Nicole Bonnet's father owns an impressive art collection.  And he paints.  He's an art forger, actually, a very talented one.  His collection includes Monet and Van Gogh, all fakes, and a sculpture of Venus by Cellini, which is also a fake.  Bonnet loans the Venus to be put on display at a museum despite Nicole's protests that he risks being found out.  Everything appears to be going well, until Bonnet signs a document insuring the Venus for $1,000,000, unwittingly giving the museum permission to have an art expert inspect the sculpture.  There's only one thing to do - steal the Venus!
One of the most delightful comedy heist films ever!  Who knew a boomerang was a tool every burglar should carry?  Snappy dialog, great chemistry, and an excellent supporting cast.  However, some would have a problem with this film for one reason - the Venus sculpture, which figures prominently in the story, doesn't have any clothes on.  Not a thing.  As far as naked statues go though, it's not too bad.  There is no other inappropriate content.  You have been warned. ;)

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And that's about all I watched this week...well I did watch The Dirty Dozen, too.  But I'm not sure what I think of it, and I certainly don't feel comfortable recommending/reviewing it here.  It was good, but also disturbing.
Anyway...I hope you all have a blessed and restful Sunday!

Question: What movies did you watch this week?  I want to know!


  1. These films look like so much fun! I love Andrews. :)

    We watched a few older ones...Show Boat with Katheryn Grayson, Ava Gardner, and Howard Keel was my favorite. The songs were amazing, as always,coming from Oscar and Hamersteine and Jerome Kern. :)

    Also, I wanted to share this really cute song with you from the Ames Brothers. /watch?v=JGpR6R3a1D4

    God bless!
    Sarah J.

  2. I'll have to check out Thoroughly Modern Millie. Julie Andrews is great in The Sound of Music and The Princess Diaries but I've never seen her in anything else. How to Steal A Million is so fun! I love that movie... and Audrey Hepburn. :D I saw Charade for the first time this week and thoroughly enjoyed it. However, I think that the color in my copy of the DVD was a little off, because Cary Grant's hair appeared to have a slight blue tinge to it during the entire film. :-) My brother and I just finished X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Unfortunately, the X-Men movies aren't nearly as clean (or as fun!) as The Avengers, Captain America, or Thor. It was sort of depressing. I might still see the other ones at some point, but I'm sure that no superhero will ever be awesome enough to knock Cap off of his spot as my favorite. :-)

  3. I love any Audrey Hepburn movie! She was the best! Beautiful, talented and usually paired with another handsome actor, her movies were always engaging to me.This week, I happened to fall on the luck of watching Around the World in 80 days with David Niven. It has been so many years since I both read and watched this movie that it was just sheer fun and delight!

  4. I'll have to watch Thoroughly Modern Millie, I've been listening to the songs for a while now.

    We watched Ben-Hur this week. It was good, I liked it more than I thought I would. have you seen it?

    xx Riley

  5. Two of my favorites ever! ..."RASPBERRY!!!!" ;D

    How to Steal a Million is possibly my favorite film of all time... there's not a single slow, dull, or lame moment in the entire thing. Add Audrey - and Peter O'Toole - (who's incredible blue eyes always make me think for one moment that maybe brown ones aren't the only ones for An Ideal Hero;) and all those adorable cars... and the purple staircase... and the closet scenes. All the scenes in the closet are my favorites;) Well, except for possibly every other scene in the film.

    I think the only thing I watched this week was the '07 Persuasion with the girls. Such a good adaptation, but why does Ann have to run pell mell down the Royal Crescent like a madwoman to find the Captain? It always makes me laugh, and I have a suspicion I'm supposed to be crying.

  6. I recorded Thoroughly Modern Millie on our DVR last month, but have yet to watch it. The songs from the Broadway version play on my Pandora all the time, but I think I read somewhere that the movie was quite a bit different than the show. I mostly want to see it since it has Julie Andrews and Mary Tyler Moore in it. :)

  7. Sarah J. - Show Boat is a fantastic musical! Have you seen Kiss Me Kate? That's also with Katheryn Grayson and Howard Keel.
    Oh, super cute song! Thank you so much for sharing it with me! :D

    Tayler - I grew up watching Julie Andrews in The Sound of Music and Mary Poppins. She has always been one of my favorites!
    Oh my word! Charade is soooo good! Love, love, love that movie!! Have you seen Wait Until Dark?
    Yep, no one, but no one, can surpass Captain America. No one. ;D

    Winnie - I agree! Audrey Hepburn is my favorite actress. I've never seen a film with her in it that I didn't like.
    I recently watched Around the World in 80 Days. What a movie! Loved it!

    Riley - Yes, Ben-Hur is one of my favorites! I love those big, Biblical epics from the 50s. Have you seen The Ten Commandments or The Robe? Those are both fantastic.

    Kellie - Hehe. I should have dedicated this post to you, dear;)
    Haha! Yes, Ann does look a bit like a madwoman. The part that gets my mom is when they take forever to kiss. She's sitting there, "Hurry up!" ;D

    Sereina - You will definitely enjoy it:) Mary Tyler Moore was so cute in this film, and Julie was brilliant as always.

  8. Julie Andrews is great, I'll have to check out Thoroughly Modern Millie. It's sounds really cute. I love Audrey Hepburn. So I'll definitely have to watch How to Steal a Million. I've recently watched Elizabethtown with Orlando Bloom and Kirsten Dunst which was adorable. You would probably love it if you haven't seen it already. I also recently watched Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocal which was epic.

  9. How could I forget about Mary Poppins?! Yes. Even though the chimney sweep scenes have always been my favorite, Julie Andrews completes the magic in that movie. :) I'm headed off to look up Wait Until Dark. :D

  10. Oh Yes!! I have seen Kiss Me Kate! Although it wasn't my favorite Howard Keel film I did enjoy it. :)
    Isn't it cute!!
    God bless!
    Sarah J.

  11. we (me and my sisters)watched CATS (the musical)I rely think you would like it!


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