
February 28, 2013

It's awesome.

It's awesome...when you get a $25 off coupon code from eShakti just for being a new customer.  Found an adorable dress in the overstock section (40% off).  Got it for $15.90.  Ooooh yeah!

It's awesome...playing the clothespin game at a friend's house warming party.  You know, the one where everyone starts out with one clothespin, and if you see someone cross their arms or legs you get to take their clothespin...or visa versa.  So simple, but so much fun.

It's awesome...when you realize you have more time left on your free Netflix trial than you thought you had.  I am so going to get through all of Star Trek: Voyager!! =D

It's awesome...when the moonlight is so bright you can see your shadow on the snow.

It's awesome...knowing that Spring will be here before too long.  Love the snow...but I am ready for Spring.

It's awesome...playing Mafia at our last game night.  Too much fun!  Picture post coming Aslan, I call all time "soon". ;)

It's awesome...listening to my family watch Sky King in the other room.  I love old TV shows, but this one wins hands down as lamest show ever.  The plots center around an airplane pilot/cowboy (I know, really?!) with the unlikely name of Sky King.  Sky is his first name, and King is his last.  Sky King.  I only wish I were kidding you.  Sky has a super annoying niece named Penny who is always getting kidnapped or something equally dumb.  Not to mention, the actress playing Penny can't act to save her life.  But, my dad is an airplane and helicopter pilot, so he loves it in spite of, or perhaps because of, it's corniness.  I prefer to listen from the other room, doubled over in silent laughter.

It's awesome...when your friend has a grey cat named Gandalf.  Get it?  Gandalf the Grey?  Awesomeness.

It's awesome...realizing that in 18 days, I will be 24.  Where have the years gone?  In all honesty, I still feel like I'm 18.  Hard to believe that that was 6 years  Now I feel old.

It's awesome...being asked to sing at our church's music night next month.  Surprisingly, I'm actually looking forward to it, although I'll admit that my first thought was, "Why would anyone be so mean, asking me to get up in front of everyone and sing?!"  But my bro really wants to do it, and his enthusiasm is rubbing off on me.  We're going to sing "Glorious Day".  And it will be fun, and I will control my nerves.  After all, it's really not about me, it's about glorifying God and blessing those around me.  Yeah, try and tell that to my nerves!

It's awesome...discovering this website.  Just think of a fictional character and answer Akinator's questions honestly. I seriously spent hours this evening trying to stump him.  His knowledge of Dicken's characters and Henty heroes is lacking. ;)

Have a lovely weekend, y'all!


  1. My favorite Star Treks are the Original Series. :)

    My mom stumped the Akinator with Pete's Dragon, Elliot. LOL. :)

  2. Love this post. :D

    Haha, thanks very much. I am now far too easily amused with the Akinator. >.<

  3. eShakti score! My skirt was about the same price before shipping. Awesome deals!

    I've never played the clothespin game like that, but I'm sure I'd loose! lol! I've played at baby showers and you couldn't say "baby" or the baby's name if they had chosen one. My sister tricked me into saying it and I totally fell for it!

    I'm so ready for spring as well!

  4. Of course as soon as I read this I had to try out the Akinator. I stumped it the first time with Rose from Rose in Bloom

  5. Haha! I stumped him first try with Esther form Ben Hur - then with Elsie Dinsmore, but was very impressed when he guessed James Herriot. that was so fun;D

  6. My birthday's on the 19th and I'll be 25 but still feel like I'm 21 at the very oldest. Time flies! Love the Gandalf cat!

  7. So your birthday is the day after Saint Pattrick's Day? Cool! That makes it easy to remember. ;-)

    Ahh, the Clothespin Game--ooh-hah! A friend had that at her sixteenth birthday party several years ago. Only the rule was that you had to stick the clothespin on someone without their noticing, otherwise you had to take it off again. There was one girl with curly hair (we're talking a thousand tiny, airy corkscrews here) that I kinda latched onto...but her scalp was so sensitive that she always felt the clothespin when I tried to clamp it on her hair. Oy.

    Gandalf the Gray Cat! Brilliant! Reminds me of my Canadian cousins. They named their grey cat Mithril ("grey flame" in Elvish). What fun.

    God bless,

  8. Ahhh! Thanks to you, Akinator has now eaten up an embarrassingly large part of my day. It's very addictive. "Let me try just one more character..." :-)

  9. Good luck with your church solo coming up ! Yes, it would be nerve wracking since it is not something you are used to doing. But, hey, maybe you will find a new calling? And, welcoming a birthday soon, is always at the top of the list of fun!

  10. Oooh, I love the Akinator game... I tried it with Sir Percy Blakeney the first time and practically fell off my chair when "he" got it right-- and with the right picture, too! Flabbergasted didn't even begin to describe it. :D I tried again with Jethro from the Cat of Bubastes and was quite pleased to see I stumped him that time, though. :D

  11. I just discovered your blog and let me say that I LOVE it!! You and I seem to have much in common. =)

    Mafia!!!!! Oh, my goodness! I adore that game... and I haven't played it in years.
    Now I want to get a grey cat just so I can name it Gandalf. ;) Even though I prefer more interesting coloured cats.

  12. Treskie - I do love the Original Series, too. Doctor McCoy is my favorite! He has such great, sarcastic lines, and I love it when he picks on Mr. Spock. ;D
    *high five to Treskie's mom for stumping the Akinator*

    Lizzy - Hehe, you are very welcome. *grin*

    Sereina - Totally awesome deals! I got my dress in the mail yesterday! Can't wait to wear it=)

    Eowyn - Ooh, good one! I got it the first time with Mr. Tulkinghorn from Bleak House. :D

    Kellie - Nice one! Isn't it though?!

    Fred - Time does fly!

    Tom - Yep! That's how most of my friends and relations remember my b-day:)
    Ooh, I think I like that version of the clothespin game better!
    Now there's a great name for a grey cat! Mithril...I love it!

    Tayler - You are welcome. teehee ;D

    Winnie - Thank you! I know I'll survive it, and I'm honestly looking forward to it...well, sorta. ;)

    Miss Dashwood - He's rather good. Yep, he was definitely not a homeschooled genie - no Henty character knowledge. :D

    Annie - Welcome! I'm so glad you stopped by!
    I prefer calico kitties, myself. :) My bro's grey cat is rather interesting, though - he has seven toes on each foot. That's why he's named Mitts. ;)


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