
March 6, 2013

Fun and Games

Our last Game Night was waaaaayyyy too much fun!

We started things off by singing Happy Birthday to Brett, Alex, and Kellie.  Emily and Mandy made super yummy birthday confetti scones...or something like that.  Whatever the technical name is, they were super yummy with dollops of whipped cream on top!

With all of that sugary goodness - plus chips and dip - to fortify us, the games began...

I temporarily "stole" Algy from Kellie, so this game night was rather well documented.  They started out with a new game which I wasn't interested in playing, so I ate chips and took pictures instead.   It all worked out rather nicely, I'd say. :)

After a few rounds of the new game (something called Signs, I think?), we played Mafia.  Let's just say I really, really, really LOVE playing that game.  Okay?  Love it.  Our moderator changed the setting to the Old West.  There were towns people, two bandits, and a spy.  Everyone thought I was a bandit, possibly because I kept yelling, "Lynch him!  Lynch him!  Let's get this necktie party going!", and similar phrases.  Can't say I blame them, but I was actually just an innocent towns person...okay, a bloodthirsty innocent towns person.

Someday, I'm going to kidnap Algy.  I really enjoyed getting to use "him" - thank you, Kellie dear! :)

This is where certain people started getting a bit, shall we say, loopy?!

Brett...I, uh, never mind.

Can anyone spell "crazy"??

And I'm just here, being completely normal...for now. ;)

After calming everyone down, we decided on Pictionary for our last game of the evening.

And then everyone went home...and so began the "after party".

I missed out, but the after party involved two cars sliding off of our driveway.

Apparently, they had a lot of fun pushing them out of the snow and back onto the driveway.
This is Idaho, after all. :)

Happy Trails, y'all!


  1. Sounds wonderful! You got some fun photos too. :)

  2. Game nights are awesome! You really did enjoy mafia didn't you *grin*? So did I, it's a pretty awesome game. Yeah, never mind Brett, he's my brother, and he's always weird like that :). And pushing the cars back onto the driveway was epic fun. I love Idaho :).

  3. QUOTE: "This is where certain people started getting a bit, shall we say, loopy?!"

    A normal happenstance at these sorts of gatherings. Jolly good fun, too, so long as it doesn't get out of hand.

    Glad there were no serious after effects of cars sliding about! Snow is pretty, but it can be scary!

    Ooh, Mafia! We used to play that at our friend Matthew's house (or Little John...long story). Great fun. My favorite setting was the Medieval castle, with one girl playing "the Unicorn head on the wall"! LOL.

    God bless,

  4. It looks like you all had a wonderful time! :D and I love the photos!
    I'm really beginning to think I need more game nights in my life...maybe I should try and wrangle together a group of people from church one of these days.(: I love opportunities to goof around and just have fun.

    Decked Out in Ruffles

  5. Looks like a good time was has by all! The game Mafia sounds intriguing and fun. Love those photos of the evening- complete with auto rescue in the snows of Idaho!! You gotta have some strong boys for that one!

  6. Ah, that looks so fun! There's nothing like hanging out with friends, eh? Just the best. :D


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