
January 4, 2013

Christmas Miscellany & 2013

Happy New Year,everyone!

Um, wow.  I feel like I haven't been on here in ages.  Internet connection problems are to blame for my absence.   But now that my daddy has chopped down a few trees which had grown taller and were in the path of the signal, and the "internet guy" came out and fiddled with the dish, I think we've got this problem licked.

Anyway, moving on...
I had a marvelous Christmas. It was just me and my family this year, and we spent the day lounging around in our PJs and watching Ever After, The Princess Bride and It's a Wonderful Life.  Pretty much the perfect day...especially since I didn't have to get ready for company. Hehe. 
And, my completely awesome bro gave me a Captain America t-shirt! I wore it all day. And I'll definitely be doing some outfit posts in the future. :)

Umm, yes...this is me on Christmas Eve.  I was feeling a bit punchy by this point.  Christmas excitement and all that.   And no, I'm not sorry. ;)
 The most fun was the day after Christmas, though.  I finally, finally saw The Hobbit!!!  And that marvelous film and most excellent day deserve their own post.  But I will say this - I really, really enjoyed it!

It wouldn't be right to let the New Year come without taking a look at all that happened this past year...

: : January : :
lots of shop updates and movie reviews...
I haven't done nearly enough of the later in recent months.

: : February : :
the Literary Heroine Blog Party, the Jane Austen Literary Blog Party, quite a literary month!

: : March : :
the Going Through the Eras Blog Event, the Silver Screen Blog Party - lots of film and vintage love!
also my birth month, lambing season, and the month I discovered and reviewed BBC's Robin Hood, which continues to be my most popular post.

: : April : :
spring, lots of walks, more sheep pictures, and fun with friends
most importantly, the month I discovered Doctor Who!  my first ever DW post, which is my second most popular post.  if I'd known how attached I'd get to that show, the many tears I'd shed, the many laughs I'd have...I can't imagine life without DW now.  there is no going back.

: : May : :
farm projects, hikes, trail rides, sheep shearing, wool washing, desktop wallpapers
and our first every Spring Tea Party at Rebekah's house!

: : June : :
gardening, The Avengers, epic photoshoots, fun with friends, oodles of DW desktop wallpapers. I asked you why you read my blog, shared my Sherlock obsession, and we started attending Grace Bible Church.

: : July : :
Independence Day, cherry picking, more DW wallpapers, Sherlock wallpapers, life on the farm.

: : August : :
huckleberry picking, an epic Doctor Who sleepover in the orchard, Pickin' on the Prairie.

: : September : :
canoeing & badminton with some of my bloggy friends, Lauren's wedding, the North Idaho Fair.

: : October : :
 my first vlog, the Doctor Who Blog Party.

: : November : :
Thanksgiving, my 1st big shop sale, Merlin.

: : December : :
shop updates, game nights, Christmas.

Looking back like this, I can't believe it all went by so quickly.  What an absolutely brilliant year it was!  I know the best part of the year was finding a church to go to.  Grace Bible Church was and is exactly what we needed and I thank the Lord for leading us there.   2012 was quite possibly the happiest and best year of my life and I'm sorry to see it go.

Good-bye 2012.  You were fantastic.

Hello 2013!  I am certainly looking forward to seeing what the Lord has in store for me and those I love in this new year.  I know it's going to be an awesome one. :)

I hope and pray that all of you, my dear readers, will have a wonderful year full of the Lord's blessings.
For myself, I pray that I would glorify God in all that I do and say, including every word I type on this blog.

Happy Trails, everyone!

Check out Kellie's wonderful Twenty Twelve| in review film that she put together!


  1. Hehe, those pictures of you are so cute! It sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas!!
    Ahhh...I have got to see the Hobbit one of these days! :P I hear it's fantastic!

    Merry (late) Christmas, and a Happy New Year, Tasha! May 2013 be full of blessings for you and your family!

    Decked Out in Ruffles

  2. Happy New Year Tasha!! I am so happy that your Christmas was full of family and good times. In reading over your 2012 list, it was indeed a year of many new endeavors and special memories! I hope that 2013 brings you more blessings and much happiness!

  3. Okay. :) Hope you have a good year!

  4. So glad you had such a good year, Tasha! And Happy New Year to all of you in 2013!

  5. Thanks for the link here Tasha! Will be following you, as I'm keen to see what happens to you in 2013, after all that happened in 2012!

    Can't say I'm sad to see the back of 2012: my wonderful husband left us in May (but after 23 years of increasing ill health, it was a merciful release for him - although we hated to see him go (daughters and I)

    Then within 3 weeks, one daughter broke her leg (I went to nurse her for a month - which kept me busy!) and at the same time, the other one's job was made redundant!

    The rest of the year has been spent in trying to correct their situations! The broken leg is better and she back at work: the other one has set up her own business, and is almost there....but not quite going. So, some prayers for a lass called Philippa and her new business would not go amiss!

    Will keep in touch via Etsy too! All the best for 2013 to yourself, and yours.



Comments are my one weakness - thanks for taking the time to say hello!