
May 27, 2012

Tea at the Prairie Cottage

You're never to old to dress-up and have a tea party.
I've always loved tea parties, as evidenced by the fact that most of my birthday parties involved a tea party.
doll tea parties
princess tea parties
a Miss Moon tea party

{did anyone else read the Tea Party of Miss Moon by Princess Mary Thurn-Taxis when they were little?  I don't remember much about it actually, but my mom loved the story and gave me a Miss Moon themed party when I was little.  Probably four-years-old.  My two older cousins even dressed up as some of the characters:)  But I'm heading down a rabbit trail here...}

I had the pleasure of attending a beautiful tea party at the Prairie Cottage, Rebekah's house (known as Wild Rose on my blog)

Before taking tea, we strolled about the beautiful yard...

And took many pictures...of course;)

Rebekah cut a gorgeous bouquet of flowers for our table.

I love dandelions.  I've never thought of them as weeds.  They're too beautiful and amazing.

With such beautiful green grass, a photoshoot seemed in order...

Rebekah and I - it was perfectly delightful to finally meet you, Rebekah!

And the beautiful Kellie...

always adorable

Kellie and Rebekah

Um...all I'm gonna say, is she started it.

Lovely Rebekah

Isn't her hair beautiful?!


have you ever tried to blow a dandelion while you were laughing?

it doesn't work very well

finally, success

Rebekah did it in one take...

And, after our cheeks all hurt from laughing and smiling so much, we went inside for our tea party...

This had to be the most delicious tea party I've ever been to.

 ~* menu *~
cucumber sandwiches
chicken sandwiches
scones with devonshire cream and jam
nut cups
chocolate mints
and tea

Hallo! Why all these cups? Why cucumber sandwiches? Why such reckless extravagance in one so young? Who is coming to tea?
- Jack Worthing
First Act Part 1 of Oscar Wilde's The Importance of Being Earnest

Rebekah, everything was absolutely wonderful!!
Thank you so much for inviting me:)

I hope you all had a wonderful day!

My family and I are on a short trip to Yellowstone right now, but the camp ground has WiFi, so I'll still be in touch. :)
I'll be sharing pics when I get home.
Happy Trails, y'all!


  1. Hi, Natasha
    What a lovely bunch of beautiful pictures. I have always wanted to have a tea party. It looks like you ladies had a lot of fun.


  2. Oh my, that looks like such a good time! You all have such lovely dresses, too...

  3. Yay! More Tea pix! You got some really nice shots, Tasha. Mind if I "pinch" a few for my personal files?

    It was lovely to meet you, too, lassie! :-D

    Oh--haha--the bunny-ears. Yeah. S'pose that was rather a silly thing to do to someone I'd just met, but sorry, I just couldn't resist (yes, you COULD!). The Pixie definitely came out to play that day. ;-) But hey, as Doctor Who (Tom Baker) once said, "There's no point in being grown-up if you can't be childish sometimes."
    And it was delightful to relax and be silly, aye? :-P

    Guess I should get my own pix up soon, wot? ;-)

    Thanks for sharing these beautiful reminders of an incredibly beautiful day!

    God bless,

  4. Beautiful photos Natasha. I'm glad you had a great time with your friends.

  5. Tasha~ What a fabulous tea party that Rebekah held! And you in your dress look absolutely beautiful!Did you make that? I just love the petticoat effect too, so perfect for the occasion!! All three of you had such lovely outfits and braids. The menue sounded delicious, the table was set so perfectly, and it was just the perfect day for a photoshoot. Maybe Rebekah has started the First ANNUAL May Tea Party Event. The perfect kick-off to the North Idaho Summer. I hope you are enjoying your time in awesome Yellowstone Park. Can't wait to see some photos of your adventures!

  6. It looks like the three of you had a lovely time. You all looked so lovely. I'm starting to believe that Kellie can pull of any look. I'm officially in love with all her clothes! And I must say that I loved Rebekah's hair. Amazingly done! I've never really had tea parties before. I've been collecting little miniature tea sets since I was about nine or ten and on a few occasions I managed to drag my little sister in our bedroom and "pretend" to have a tea part. But I've never had a "real" one. :( Poor me! Maybe I should come to your house someday and have one?! What do you think? LOL
    Have a great week!!!!

  7. Will you be having a vegetable garden this year Natasha? If so, will you please take photos of it as it progresses and then show us all the final harvest? I would find that extrememly interesting.


  8. Thank you all! Yes, we did have a wonderful, wonderful time:)

    Wild Rose - I don't mind at all! Although, credit for most of these goes to Kellie, I just edited them:)

    I wouldn't dream of disagreeing with The Doctor, especially when he's right;D Being silly and laughing are my favorite things to do:)

    Winnie - Thank you! Yes, I did make my dress and petticoat:)
    We actually discussed making it an annual event - I hope we do!!
    I'll be sharing photos of Yellowstone soon=)

    Purity Leigh - Kellie can pull off any look. I've known her since she was 10, and she always looks amazing!
    Even pretend tea parties with your sister in the bedroom count! A real tea party with all of my online friends would be amazing!
    I hope you've had a wonderful week!!

    Mr. Dane - Yes! I will be planting a vegetable garden and I will most definitely take and share pictures.


Comments are my one weakness - thanks for taking the time to say hello!