
May 23, 2012

Wallpaper Wednesday {Literary Heroes}

It's been a while since I've done a Wallpaper Wednesday post, hasn't it?
I don't believe I've done one since I moved my blog here, to blogger.
Everyone seemed to enjoy them, so I'm going to begin bringing them back.

To start things off...
When I shared my literary heroine wallpapers during Kellie's blog party, someone requested I create wallpapers for the heroines' hero counterparts.
 I liked that idea.
So I did.

I present for your consideration and pleasure...

Mr. Arthur Clennam 
from Charles Dicken's Little Dorrit 
excellently portrayed here by Matthew Macfadyen

Arthur rated two wallpapers, because he's wonderful.


John "Jack" Worthing & Algernon "Algy" Moncrieff
from Oscar Wilde's excellent play The Importance of Being Earnest
portrayed here by Colin Firth and Rupert Everett


Mr. John Thornton
from Elizabeth Gaskell's North & South
portrayed here by the one and only Richard Armitage

Mr. Thornton also rated two wallpapers, because he's wonderful and Richard Armitage has an amazing voice/accent.  Just sayin'...;)


Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy
from Jane Austen's Pride & Prejudice
portrayed here by Colin Firth in the 1995 TV miniseries


portrayed here by Matthew Macfadyen in the 2005 film adaptation
{this is one of my absolute favorite wallpapers that I've designed.  ever.  period.}


Mr. George Knightley
from Jane Austen's Emma
portrayed here by Johnny Lee Miller

Mr. Knightley really rates two wallpapers, but I've only the one right now.
Maybe he'll get a second one next week...


All wallpaper images link to their full size images.
Full size images are also located on the For You page.


Next time, on Wallpaper Wednesday...

Roger Hamley
Theodore Laurence
Gilbert Blythe
Edward Ferrars
Colonel Brandon


If you have an requests/suggestions/ideas for future Wallpaper Wednesdays, let me know!
Graphic design is my one weakness;)

Happy Trails, y'all!


  1. these are soooo cool! Just love them:)

  2. ooh, perfect, perfect, perfect!! can't wait to see your next ones!

  3. Wonderful collection of wallpaper classics! Many dashing and dapper young men!!

  4. Lovely, m'dear! I have missed Wallpaper Wednesday. You do make such lovely wallpapers!

    I do have a suggestion though. Do you think you could make some Judy Garland wallpapers? Or maybe perhaps some wallpapers for The Scarlet Pimpernel, both 1934 and 1982 versions?

  5. Thank you, ladies! I'm so glad you're enjoying them=)

    Hanne-col - Absolutely! In fact, I have a few of Judy already made that I just never got around to sharing...I'll do that soon! :)

    And yes, definitely some wallpapers featuring both Leslie Howard and Anthony Andrews as The Scarlet Pimpernel! The only reason I haven't included him on the list of literary heroes, is because I have found it extremely difficult to find high-res images from both films. I'll keep searching though - he is my favorite hero, after all, and deserves a wallpaper;D

  6. Hurrah for Wallpaper Wednesday! And hurrah for heroes! Where would or favorite heroines be without their dashing fellows, wot?

    You might consider doing Mister Charles Bingly, too.

    God bless,

  7. LOVED these! The Matthew McFayden Darcy one is stunning. :) I agree, Percy must have a wallpaper. :) How big of a resolution would you need? knowwww...I wouldn't be adverse to seeing a Doctor Who wallpaper. Just sayyyyyyin.... :-P

    Oh, and I found your pinterest board...LOVE IT! :)

  8. Delightful, simply delightful.
    And come to think of it, Mr. Thornton's profile is nearly as awesome as his accent...

    Can't wait to see Roger Hamley - and Percy:)

    Hmm... I have a feeling that vast quantities of Doctor Who wallpaper are about to descend in force;D

    Love you,

  9. Wild Rose - How could I have forgotten the adorable Mr. Bingley?!
    Hmm...I'm thinking a selection of secondary characters might be nice. Jane Bennet, Mr. Bingley, etc.

    Alexandra - Yes, Percy absolutely needs, no deserves, a wallpaper...maybe two...or three;D
    Well, screencaps would do, as long as they were at least 800 pixels wide.

    Yes!! I'm definitely planning some Doctor Who wallpapers! =D

    *grin* So glad you enjoyed my Pinterest board;D

  10. i love it, the John Thorton wallpapers are awesome.

  11. Kellie - Thank you, dear:)
    Oh, absolutely!! His profile...*swoon*
    Hehe...I think you're right;D

    rosia_lady - Thank you! =)


Comments are my one weakness - thanks for taking the time to say hello!