
May 31, 2012

belated Wallpaper Wednesday {Literary Heroes}

Well, this is more like it - a belated Wallpaper Wednesday post! ;)
In this case, my excuse is the infamous Net Nanny.
Recently, she has taken fiendish delight in blocking certain things on my Blogger, including comment moderation, post editing, and the new post option.  Despite the fact that my dad has added every url we can think of to the "do not block" list, she persists in blocking them.
My personal opinion is that Net Nanny is plotting to take over my computer, then the internet and finally...the world.  
Yes, I have been watching Doctor Who, so my opinion might be slightly influenced;)
But anyways, on to this weeks wallpapers....

Theodore "Laurie" Laurence
from Louisa May Alcott's wonderful book Little Women
portrayed here by Christian Bale

So...I guess Laurie rated three wallpapers.

He is adorable;)


Mr. Roger Hamley
from Elizabeth Gaskell's Wives and Daughters
portrayed here by Anthony Howell

And one of Roger and Molly (Justine Waddell), because I love this scene.


- All wallpapers link to their full size images, and are also available on the For You page -

And I'm afraid that's all I have for this week - I became momentarily distracted creating fantastic, brilliant and magnificent Doctor Who wallpapers.  So sorry;)

Also, I'm having not a few difficulties finding screencaps and/or high-res Gilbert Blythe images, so if anyone knows where I can find some, please let me know!

I'll be wrapping up the Literary Heroes Wallpaper Series next week with...
Colonel Brandon
Edward Ferrars
and whoever else I have finished.

Have a wonderful Thursday, y'all!


  1. Oh, I really love the one with Molly and Roger!! <3

    And I tagged you, by the way.

  2. I love the top one of Laurie! And then the bottom one as well...that's one of my very favorite scenes from Wives an Daughters.(:


  3. GORGEOUS wallpapers, as usual. I'm jealous. :-P

    And tee-hee about Doctor Who! Yeahhh, have you noticed now a lot of the type-in-a-mumbo-jumbo-word-to-prove-your-not-spam words are ACTUAL WORDS now? Kind of creepy seeing an actual word there. After seeing The Shakespeare Code I'm like, ohhh! Witch aliens taking over the spam thingie!!! Heheeee.

    By the way. Just saw Family of Blood...WOWZA. AMAAAAAZING episode, that one. DT really gets to show off the acting chops. Sooooo sad!!! I loved John Smith. Anyway. SNIFF.

  4. Ooh, I love these!! You do such a great job on them!

    I especially like the one with Roger and Molly!♥

    And Laurie...he is very adorable, for sure. I really must watch Little Women again soon!!

    Really looking forward to seeing Colonel Brandon's wallpapers! He's one of my very favorite heroes. :)

    Thanks for making these for us, Tasha!

  5. I like the first one of Laurie with the book. :) Thanks!

  6. Another interesting collection of classics in wallpapers this week! My fav is the first one of Laurie! Her eyes show so much expressions!!

  7. Ooooh Christian Bale! **saves ALL the picures**

  8. So adorable:) These are some of your best yet! How do you do it, dear?

  9. I always feel so warm and good after reading all of your comments. Thank you so much for making my day, everyone:)

    Hanne-col - Thanks for the tag! =)

    Vicki - Those are my two favs, too:)

    Alexandra - Hehe, thank you;D
    Ooh, YE$S!! Actual creepy. Haha!
    OH!! YES!!! Family of Blood was an amazing episode, indeed!! DT was so awesome. It was completely tragical...although, I was slightly disturbed by The Doctor not being himself. Seriously shook me up..but I still love that episode:) John Smith was sooooo sweet!!!

    Mary Beth - I need to watch Little Women again, too. Love that movie...and the book:)
    Colonel Brandon will definitely be making an appearance next week - he's so sweet and thoughtful. Just love him.

    Mandy - You're welcome:)

    Winnie - Thanks!

    Treskie - lol! That's so me;D

    Kellie - Thank you, dear=) Hmm...I don't know how I do it. I just sit down with my laptop, turn a good film on, and create;D

  10. Laurie is adorable. I never could quite forgive Jo for not marrying him, sigh. Love the wallpaper!

  11. Christian Bale is bellisimo and great artist.


Comments are my one weakness - thanks for taking the time to say hello!