
November 11, 2011


I was planning on posting something on this date and after clicking around the internet this morning I see that I am not alone in this.  Very fun:)

In honor of 11/11/11 here are eleven things...

1. It looks like we're going to get our first somewhat official snow tonight.  =)

2. I love the snow, but I wouldn't mind if it held off until we bring my ewes home from visiting Earl the ram.  Their driveway is not fun when there's snow on the ground, especially if you're pulling a horse trailer.  But we'll make it work if we have to.

3. Tomorrow is the Fall Folk Festival in Spokane.  Music, music, music...  And to make it even more fun, we're kidnapping Kellie and bringing her, too!  We're planning on wearing our matching grey sweaters:)

4. The bands I'm looking forward to hearing are The North Idaho Hat Band (my brother's band), and The Portatos.

 5. Chip from Chipmunk's Corner plays her accordion with The Portatos.  Kellie, who is an excellent accordionist herself, has been wanting to meet her for a long time.  And now she's going to. :)

6. A warm mug of hot chocolate on a frosty morning is heavenly.

7. Something the Lord has been reminding me of lately is how much He loves me.  The fact that He loves me still blows my mind whenever I think about it.  He loves me.  Wow.

8. I've been figuring out what to get my family for Christmas.  My dad is so hard to buy for.  Anybody else have trouble buying for their dad?  Alex is easy - a Cabelas gift card will do nicely.  I think I'm going to buy Ben-Hur (with Charlton Heston) for my mom.  She loves that movie.  Me too, but that's beside the point...;)  I know what I'm going to get my cousins, but I can't tell you because Abbie and Sarah Jo read this blog. 

9. I'm trying in vain to think of something I can make for Kellie's little sisters.  I always give them "Tasha-made-its".  A Tasha-made-it is something I've crocheted and sometimes something I've sewn.  Last year they all got hooded scarves.  I'll think of something...

10. Psst - 50 followers could possibly bring on a giveaway.  Just sayin'...

11. I've got to come up with an outfit for today's Fall Fashion Challenge.  The theme is "your favorite 2011 fall trend".

Have a lovely day, y'all!


  1. QUOTE: "I'm trying in vain to think of something I can make for Kellie's little sisters."

    Hmmm...matching mittens?

    God bless,
    ~"Wild Rose"~

  2. I like that idea, but I don't think I have enough time for that... I was thinking maybe a ruffle scarf for each of them.


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