
February 14, 2015

Photo-a-Day + Link-up | February {week two}

ONE | Getting that special polka dot box in the mail always brightens your day!

TWO | I hadn't planned on spending part of Tuesday in the police station! I had to fill out a statement after I witnessed a car accident the day before.  Pay attention and watch those red lights, folks!

THREE | Home made salsa - my favorite!

FOUR | Reading.

FIVE | I'm taking advantage of the unseasonably warm weather we've been having to go for brisk walks/jogs every day.  Not ready for the snow to be gone, but I do enjoy the sunshine!

SIX & SEVEN | Flowers and chocolate from my sweetheart.


: :

Now it's your turn!  
Post your photo-a-day pictures on your blog, then share the link in the link-y below!

Link-up Rules:
Follow my blog via GFC, Bloglovin', or email - so you can keep updated on link-up info!
Include a link to my blog in your post.
Please link to your photo post, not your blog home page.
Most of all, have fun exploring and sharing the world around you through your camera lens!

This link-y will be open until February 20th, so you have a whole week to get your post up and share your photos.

Happy Valentine's Day!


  1. So. Much. Fun.!!! I just love celebrating....there's ALWAYS a reason to celebrate..that's my fu-ne-ology... ;) It was great seeing you last night!! <3

  2. Mmmmm is right! Chocolates on Valentine's Day is a must!! It is odd that you are having unusually warm weather. This week we had unusually cold weather and more is expected this next week. Enjoy your walks while the weather holds up!

    Happy Valentine's Day Tasha!! I am so happy to follow along your photo posts and keep up with all that is happening in your corner of the world!!

  3. Hi Tasha! I just love your photo a day so much! How do you make it so grand each week?! Oh my! Witnessing a car accident? That's an experience!

    I'm so happy for your new life with Hank. You two make me grin so much! :)

    of Calico Sisters Blog

  4. Your flowers are beautiful and that salsa look delicious! My roommate and I made guacamole last week- maybe we should make some salsa this week!
    Linking up again!

  5. Sarah - It was so wonderful to see you and celebrate with you, too! :D

    Winnie - Amen! I enjoyed my chocolate very much. ;)

    Cassie - My camera makes everything look good. ;)
    It was indeed and experience, and hopefully not one that I will repeat any time soon!
    Aww, thanks! I'm glad we do:)

    Lauren - The salsa was so yummy!! Ooh, I love guacamole! Ahh, now I want some! Thanks for linking up! :)


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