
February 18, 2015

Outfit | Sunshine in My Soul

o u t f i t 
sundress // Old Navy {ThredUp}
shirt // thrifted
denim shoes // Crocs (long, long ago)

I took these last week.  It should have been freezing outside, this time of year, but it wasn't.  It was over 50* F!  So, I took advantage of the beautiful, sunny day and my camera tripod to get these photos.  It's a bit tricky, taking timer photos, but pretty fun!  Getting the focus right is really hard sometimes.

The beautiful warm days last week lifted my spirits and made my heart sing.  Not that I was seriously depressed or anything, but sunshine makes me so happy to be alive.  So thankful for my Father's gift of life.  Volunteering at Open Arms really brings that home every week, how precious life is.  I'm so thankful to be a small part of that.  I can't talk about my experiences there because of patient confidentiality, but I'm blessed each week by the women who come through the doors and by my fellow volunteers and the staff.  The Lord's peace and love fills that building and the hearts of those in it.  I'm so thankful for the opportunity to be there.  This hymn comes to mind - the words perfectly describe what I'm feeling.

There is sunshine in my soul today,
More glorious and bright
Than glows in any earthly sky,
For Jesus is my Light.

O there’s sunshine, blessèd sunshine,
When the peaceful, happy moments roll;
When Jesus shows His smiling face,
There is sunshine in the soul.

There is music in my soul today,
A carol to my King,
And Jesus, listening, can hear
The songs I cannot sing.

O there’s sunshine, blessèd sunshine,
When the peaceful, happy moments roll;
When Jesus shows His smiling face,
There is sunshine in the soul.

There is springtime in my soul today,
For, when the Lord is near,
The dove of peace sings in my heart,
The flowers of grace appear.

O there’s sunshine, blessèd sunshine,
When the peaceful, happy moments roll;
When Jesus shows His smiling face,
There is sunshine in the soul.

There is gladness in my soul today,
And hope and praise and love,
For blessings which He gives me now,
For joys “laid up” above.

O there’s sunshine, blessèd sunshine,
When the peaceful, happy moments roll;
When Jesus shows His smiling face,
There is sunshine in the soul.

Anyway, I'd better go feed the sheep.  The girls should start lambing around the beginning to middle of March.  We're getting closer!  Can't wait to have little lambs running around!  Now that will infuse this place with new life! We could end up with about 20 lambs this year if all goes well.  Yikes!  

Have a wonderful day, everyone!

What are some hymns/songs that make your heart sing with gladness?  I want to know!


  1. Loved the post Tasha!! And your dress is super cute! :)
    Last week's weather was great, but I'm glad it turned cold so that we have flowers this Spring, not winter... ;)
    Mmm...the ones that come to mind are Day By Day, Be Thou Near To Me, and Revelation Song... We are so blessed by a Faithful God! :)
    Looking forward to the lambs!

  2. Tasha you look so cute in that pretty orange dress! It is a great color for you too. I am currently looking out of my hotel window at the Atlantic Ocean pounding a snow and ice covered beach here at Virginia Beach . We are here for a family funereal but is is unusually cold for Virginia this time of year. Right now it is about 10 degrees !!! Brrrr and you are in short sleeves and bare feet. Amazing and crazy!!!

  3. That is such a beautiful, encouraging hymn. Thanks for sharing!


    the Middle Sister and Singer

  4. You look so lovely in that dress, Tasha! I love the hymns Sweet Hour of Prayer and There Shall Be Showers of Blessing. I so do love spring, although here in MI, we are a long way from it.



  5. Sarah - I'm glad it's cold again too - it was nice, but so weird! I love those songs, too, especially Day by Day. ;)

    Winnie - Thank you! Yikes, that sounds really cold for Virginia!

    Brigid - I'm glad you enjoyed it:)

    Emma - Those are some wonderful hymns and some of my favorites.
    I assure you, this is highly unusual February weather for North Idaho! I have a hunch that winter is far from over for us. :)


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