
September 21, 2014

Time...where are you?

My's been a while since I've rattled the keys and given you all an update.
And I've missed it - I've missed you.  So much.

Time.  Where has it gone?  I used to have it.  Between planning a wedding, living my current life, and preparing for my future one, I seem to have misplaced all my free time, as well as my spare moments.  You wouldn't believe how much time and energy go into planning a wedding...unless, of course, you've planned one yourself.  In that case, you know exactly what I'm talking about.

But seriously.  This is insanity!  Which is exactly why the little bride-to-be ends up in tears or fits so often - everything else is crazy, so jump on in, the water is fine!  Actually, everything is going along so smoothly.  The venue is ready, the dress is (just about) finished, the dance floor is rented, the marriage license obtained, and everything has been planned out down to the smallest detail.  I praise the Lord for that and give Him all of the glory.

This is the picture we used for our invitations.
We are less than 2 weeks away from the wedding, people!  Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!  Last time I was on here, I believe we were still about 60 or so days out.  Yikes!  Time does fly.  These past few months have been both incredibly amazing and challenging.  But mostly amazing.  Hank and I have been going through premarital counseling with our pastor.  Which has been so, so good.  You know what my greatest discovery has been during this time?  Praying with Hank and for him.  Girls, there is nothing like it.  It draws you closer to the Lord while drawing the two of you closer together on a whole new level.  And it helps to keep the focus on God.  It is so, so easy to let that focus slip.  But how can you build a relationship when there is no foundation?  "Keep our eyes on You", has become our constant prayer.  I thank the Lord for everything that He has been teaching us during this season.

Goodness, that's all the time I can spare right now.  But here are some engagement pictures to keep you all busy until after the wedding! *grin*  So enjoy, and I'll see you all soon...ish.  Sometime towards the end of October, I'm thinking. *smile*

We used this one for the back of our invitation, with the details in the middle.  It turned out so lovely.

Photo credit goes to Kellie and Alex.  Thanks, you two! :)


  1. So, so, so happy for you!!!!!!!!! <3

  2. Absolutely adorable!! I'm so happy for you! Well done, Kellie and Alex. That first shot looks like a painting. You look so happy and content. God is indeed good!


  3. Awww.. So happy for you! God bless you two!

  4. Hey Tasha~ Your engagement photos are so fun and speak to your exciting life ahead!! it is wonderful to hear that everything is almost ready for your big day too!! Your venue looks like the perfect gathering place and I can't wait to see your Wedding Day photos there with your family and friends. Blessings to you and Hank!!

  5. Lovely engagement photos! Thanks for sharing!

  6. Natasha it is so lovely to hear about what you have been up to. :) I am so happy that everything is going well and I can hardly wait to see the wedding photos later in the fall! Wishing you the most joyful month of your life so far...

  7. Absolutely beautiful photos! May the LORD bless your special day!!


  8. oh my goodness, I read that whole post with such a big smile on my face! It's so wonderful to see such a sweet couple living for the Lord! Praying for y'all as the wedding draws closer!

  9. Your pictures are adorable. They really did a great job.
    I love your outfit!
    Looking forward to your next post.

  10. CONGRATULATIONS! :) I'm so so so excited for you and Hank... I pray that God blesses you both on this incredible journey you're about to begin. :)

  11. We're so happy for you Natasha! And we are as anxious to see your dress as I'm sure you are to wear it! Blessings,
    Rebekah for Calico Sisters

  12. Wow, that's coming up soon! Enjoy, and thanks for sharing what you did about praying together, so that God would be the focus of your marriage!

  13. Enjoy it and stay in the moment! I got married in June (100 days ago yesterday!) and that's the best advice I can give you. Try and have a little time alone together maybe after the ceremony just to take it all in. Don't fret about the little things that might go wrong - we were almost denied our marriage notices 5 days before (we got married in Scotland) but seriously? It was the best thing that could have happened. After we'd got the notices everything else just fell away in terms of importance because we were getting married, in a church, as we'd wanted.
    God is so good! Have a wonderful time - if you're anything like me then it'll be one of the best decisions you ever made. :-)

  14. Congratulations! May God bless you in this new chapter! So exciting!

  15. I'm a newer follower of your blog. So excited about your upcoming marriage! Marriage is truly wonderful, especially when it's God centered!

    Some books I like to recommend to engaged/newly married couples that have helped my husband and I sooooooooooooooo much: 1) Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus (super helpful in understanding the opposite gender; there is some content I don't agree with in there, but overall, very helpful; God made man and woman so different!); 2) The Temperament God Gave You and The Temperament God Gave Your Spouse (Helps to understand your own temperament and your spouse's); 3) The Five Love Languages (Helps you to learn how your spouse likes to be loved best and how you like to be loved by your spouse)

  16. I love your engagement photos! I was married in on May 31st, so I know about the wedding planning ;) God bless!


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