
August 8, 2014

Photo a Day // July

O N E | Pretty much the entire church lined up for a water balloon toss at our Independence Day picnic.  Way too much fun!!

T W O |  Being engaged to the best man in the whole world is incredible.  And completely unreal still, but entirely wonderful.

T H R E E | At the beach at Jenny's bachelorette party.

F O U R | Hank's birthday!  And my first time cooking in the "soon to be mine" kitchen. :)

F I V E | Getting to zip along to church in my bro's Mazda Miata!  So much fun!  Blingy sunglasses are a must.

S I X & S E V E N |  Sheep shearing with Hank again, which is pretty much my favorite thing ever.  Just spending time with him, and getting to see some really awesome sheep setups!  This place was particularly awesome.

And these yearling rams were huge!

E I G H T | Cherry picking and pitting time.  A ring picture was entirely necessary.

N I N E | Us. *smile*

T E N | My "soon to be" niece, Annie, at Jenny's wedding rehearsal.

E L E V E N |  Jenny's wedding, which I was honored and privileged to help photograph.  I was so, so nervous!  It's a huge responsibility, photographing a wedding!  But I made it through, and although I wouldn't want a career in it, I had fun and did a pretty good job...I hope. ;)

Anybody know of to turn off auto edit on Blogger?  Because it's really irritating me the way it's messing with my pictures!

And that was my July.  Crazy, insanely busy, but so much fun.

So far, I'm still on top of the planning for my own wedding.  The invitations were ordered, arrived ahead of schedule, and will hopefully be sent out on Monday.  Kellie and I have the fabric for my dress and for the bridesmaids dresses, so we'll be starting on those soon.  And I've still got some time to figure out the cake, the refreshments for the reception, the flowers, and the dancing.  Yep, it's all coming together.  I praise the Lord for helping me to stay calm and for all of my friends and family who have been helping me with the details.

Through this all, I've really been missing my mom.  I mean, she's here and everything, but because she's still in a wheelchair and not feeling good most of the time, she can't help me with a lot of the planning.  And I miss having her help with everything, but especially with my wedding.  Kellie's mom has watched me grow up and I've always looked at her as a second mom to me.  I am so thankful for her help and advice right now.  She has so many good ideas!  So, thank you Ma, for everything.  I appreciate and love you so much.

Well, I'd better start addressing those invitation envelopes if I want to mail them on Monday!

How was your July?  Full of fun, I hope!  
Tell me how your summer has been so far.  I want to know!


  1. Awww!! Such wonderful memories!! What a wonderful, crazy, busy month July has been! May it live forever in our memories, right?!
    It was fun to see photos of Jenny's wedding.. I SO missed being there!!
    You will be a gorgeous bride, and you are planning wonderfully!!
    I'm so glad your mom can be as involved as she has been...just little steps, right? <3 <3 *big hugs*
    Love you sis!!! Hugs and prayers,

  2. Looks like a fun month! You did a nice job on the wedding photos! Also like your keyboard-ring photo.

  3. Your photos are beautiful of July with all of the fun and special activities. I am glad to hear that your wedding plans are coming along well for you too. Your dress is going to be beautiful and it is so special that you can do it with Kellie. Enjoy your busy days and thanks for checking in and keeping us all updated!!

  4. Sounds like a lovely July! The ring on the cherries is super cute. Glad to hear all the wedding planing is going so well. I can't wait to see your dress, as I'm sure is going to be amazing, given your fantastic taste in clothing. :)

  5. Hmm... A gun and a knife on his wedding day... Was the Father in agreement with this union? 😋

  6. Sarah - July has been a wonderful, crazy, busy month for both of us!! :D Love you back!!

    Bethany - Thank you on both counts! :)

    Winnie - I can't wait to share pictures of the dress with everyone when it's finished. I guess I'll have to wait until after the wedding so Hank won't see it. ;)

    Sereina - Aww, thanks! I can't wait for you to see the dress, too!

    Rebekah - Actually, yes! Everyone in the wedding party was packing pistols, including the bride and bridesmaids. This is North Idaho! :D

  7. Tasha, I have enjoyed watching you grow up from a horse crazy girl to a woman who wants to serve the Lord. You are definitely counted as one of my girls, and I know your mother thinks of Kellie in the same way. I am honored to help you during this exciting time. Love you, Mrs. Falconer

  8. You're making your dress? Since they are so pricey, I bet you never appreciated knowing how to sew as much as you do now ;)

  9. This is such a great post! I didn't mention earlier, but congrats on your engagement! I think I saw it first on Kellie's blog, but then I jumped over to yours and was so incredibly happy for you! I've read your blog on and off for several years now, and hearing that you've gotten engaged and are so happy touched me like you were some dear sister!! So I hope everything continues to go beautifully, and enjoy every minute of it!!!

    <3 Cassy

  10. Hi Natasha:

    You are a photographer whose work loudly proclaims publication. Thanks for sharing your truly artistic and lovely photographs.
    Although I am trying not to intrude anymore, I wish only the very, very best for you and your loved ones. May all be well with you. Sincerely, Will


Comments are my one weakness - thanks for taking the time to say hello!