
July 21, 2014

The Visit | Grandma & Aunt Liz

Selfie time at Jack-in-the-Box!  We're so classy.

Antiquing in downtown Coeur d'Alene.

I had so much fun taking pictures with Jack at the antique store.  There's so much potential!

Music jam time!

Cooking and eating together.

Alex and Sarah. :)

Peaceful mornings.

All of the sisters together for the first time in...well, a long time!
l-r: Kathy, Pam (my mom), Grandma, Liz, Lorraine

Cousin time: Parker, Alex, and Sam.

Oh look, I'm there, too! ;)
It was a wonderful, wonderful visit!  I enjoyed the long talks on the couch with Grandma, telling her how wonderful Hank is (I mean, she could see that for herself, but it was fun telling her). *grin*  That and watching Aunt Liz bottle feed the lamb were the highlights for me.  And I get to see them again in October when they come out for my wedding!  Eeep!!


  1. Likes like an awesomely fun visit! The food looks *so* good, and the antique store sounds neat! You have a lovely family!

  2. Isn't it wonderful to brag, and go on and on about your man? (: its just to much fun!!
    Lovely looking family!
    -Hannah Sue

    *check my blog out, little Iowan family*

  3. I'm still fascinated by the fact that out of all places in Idaho, you actually live in the area I sort of kind of know... Have you seen Smoke Signals? It takes place, in part, in Coeur d'Alene. :D Not that I know much about the place, but it's a funny coincidence.

    FABRIC. Did you buy some?

    That photo of all those sisters makes me think, I hope we'll meet like that when we're that age and have our own families and live halfway across the republic... or so. :-)

  4. Mmmm!! That was so much fun!!! What a blast! I loved the photos of all the sisters together--what a wonderful reunion!
    And of course, the photo-backstory on our lovely evening... :) What a delicious cake that was.... You know, we made that 'creaming' again for a cake the next week....
    Love you sis!!

  5. Looks like you had lots of fun!!! Oh, and that food.... Looks oh so good... {sorry, pregnancy hormones... =/}

  6. Love this post! It looks like you had a lot of fun with with your family! Those pictures from the antique store, oh, just love them!!! And the one with your mom, grandma, and aunts. The family resemblance is very obvious throughout, right down to pretty you!: )

  7. Beautiful photos Natasha. Thanks for sharing them with us. May your dear relatives not only remember their blessed visit with all of you, but travel safely wherever they go. I truly love the photos of your homestead, especially of the pond.

    Beatitude Blessings, Will


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