
July 10, 2014

Quite Engaging

I still can't quite wrap my brain around this.

I mean, I still had a hard time believing that Hank and I, at long last, were actually together.
I thank the Lord for that every single day, and for His faithfulness and love.

And now, we are engaged.


Nope, still hasn't sunk in completely.

On Sunday evening, in our orchard with golden light streaming through the leaves, Hank got down on one knee, held out a ring, and asked me to marry him.  I said yes, of course!

And here's the ring...

I think it's just as perfect as can be, although Hank is correct when he says that I would have been happy with anything he gave me. *grin*  But it is perfect, isn't it?

Hank brought Jack (the camera) outside with him, so this was taken just seconds after the proposal.

And now, I'm planning my wedding.  Oh my word.  My WEDDING!!!  Our wedding.

It is completely unreal, typing those words, let alone saying them.  But pretty darn awesome.

If you'd like to see some of my ideas for the wedding, you can check out my wedding boards on Pinterest.  Yes, I have multiple boards.  And I only wish you could create sub-boards - you know, boards within boards.  Please, tell me I'm not the only person who thinks that would be really neat.

Decorations/Reception - The Dress - Miscellany
The Bridesmaids/Flower Girls - The Groom & Best Man - Bouquets

  Anyway, my colors are lilac purple and light blue, and I'm going for a vintage country rustic look.  And just like I've always dreamed, it looks like we'll be having the reception in a restored barn!  And I only have a little under three months to pull this all together since our date is October 4th.  Eeep!!  I now have a notebook which I affectionately refer to as "my brain".  In it, I write down every wedding thought that pops into my head because if I don't, I will most likely forget it.

And I'm shutting up now and going to bed.  Goodnight, all!

By the way, there will be dancing at the reception! I can't wait!!

I am sooooooo excited!!!  But you couldn't guess that, could you? *wink*


  1. Wooooooooot!!!!! Congratulations!!! Im so happy!!! Umm glowsticks are a must!!!!!

  2. Congratulations to you both, girlie, and may God bless you with a long and happy life together, drawing ever closer to your Savior!

    "My Wedding."
    Omigosh--those words made it suddenly more real. Gaaahh....

    QUOTE: "And I only wish you could create sub-boards - you know, boards within boards. Please, tell me I'm not the only person who thinks that would be really neat."

    You're not! I've toyed with joining Pinterest myself, and it flitted through my head that it'd be so much easier to set up and organize certain things if there were boards within boards--like folders within folders in Word and PaintShop. Great minds think alike, wot?

    Anyway, I wish you both the best...and that I could dance at your wedding in person as well as in spirit. *Hugs* I'm so happy for you!

    God bless,
    ~"Tom Wild Rose"~
    I know this sounds a little weird, coming from someone you've only met a few times in person, but believe me when I say that it comes of being a sister in Christ and a kindred spirit. :-D

  3. A great big congratulations to you Natasha! How very exciting! :D Love all the wedding plan pins!

  4. Congratulations, Tasha! You look so happy. Yes, he did a good job picking out that ring! Beautiful. :-) So happy for you!

  5. Bless you and Hank, Natasha. May you have a long and truly happy life together. Love is life's meaning. Will

  6. I cannot BEGIN to express how completely and TOTALLY thrilled I am for you!!!!!! Gah, SO exciting!!!

  7. Oh my goodness! Congratulations! That's so awesome and I'm so happy for you two. :)

  8. So exciting! Congratulations Natasha and Hank! From the Pinterest boards looks like you're planning a very beautiful wedding!

  9. "Sink me, if you didn't go and do it. Congratulations, old chaps!"
    (All right, all right, I don't really know either of you in person so to call you "old chaps" is dreadfully forward and rude, but it's a Sir Percy quote. What can one do.)

    SQUEEEEEEE CONGRATULATIONS! SOOOOOO happy for you! You'll be a gorgeous bride... I'm already drooling over some of your Pinterest boards. :D


    How exciting and wonderful!! Blessings on both of you as you begin this new stage in your lives. (And now I'm totally going to go browse those boards. I'm a Pinterest nerd.)

  11. Pretty darn AWESOME is right! Your Pinterest boards are beautiful and full of so many possibilities. Whatever you decide will be lovely and most of all, you and Hank will enjoy every moment of your Special Day that launches this new era of your life together. Congratulations!!

  12. Congrats lovely girl! Keep us updated with what you're working on for the wedding because I know there will be lots of handmade goodies!

  13. congratulations! so very happy/excited for you! :)

  14. Congrats! I'm so happy for you guys! :)

  15. Natasha!

    What exciting and joyful news! (I must confess to haunting your blog waiting for it ; D) I know you must be over the moon with happiness!

    I will be praying that the planning doesn't rob you of your joy and excitement. I know the wedding will be beautiful because two people have been brought together by God and are committing, not only to each other, but to Him. The glorification of God is always beautiful.

    I'm so excited for you!! Praise God!

    In Christ's Love,

  16. Oh my goodness gracious! Congratulations!!! I pray that the next few months of planning will go smoothly, and you and Hank will be blessed in your life ahead.


    the Middle Sister and Singer

  17. I'm so excited for you!!!! Congratulations! I wish I could be there to help you plan for the wedding. Three months is a short time for such a lot of work, but I know you'll pull it off with the Lords help and that you're wedding will be an incredibly blessed day for you two! So Happy!!!
    God Bless!

  18. OHMYGOODNESS! Congratulations!!!!!!!! So happy for you guys :) Holy cow, your wedding is so soon! Pinterest is definitely going to help you keep everything organized. Haha, I also had 'an extra brain' to write down everything in. It kept me sane :D
    Love your wedding color choices! Mine were lilac and sage with random bits of blue thrown in. Have fun planning :) *sigh* I love weddings.
    And yes, your ring IS perfect :)

  19. Congratulations! Is it weird that I'm excited for someone who lives halfway across the globe?
    I had my suspicions, though. There have been some suspicious Pins popping up in my feed lately. ;-)

    I dutifully proclaim that ring beautiful. Actually, you know, the shape is a little little bit similar to my baptism ring from grandma, so yes. It is beautiful.

    (And yes on sub-boards. It would come very useful for my historical clothing boards, too.)

  20. CONGRATULATIONS! I confess that I have been waiting for the news, and now that I hear it I am beyond excited! Oh, and your ring is absolutely gorgeous - I especially love the picture you took with the Bible. :)

  21. I was waiting to hear the date. So happy for you both!! I refrained myself from crying LOL!

  22. I am so over-the-top thrilled for you both!!! Simply judging from pictures, I knew that orchard could not be so romantic for nothing. :) Lilac purple and light blue, with vintage country rustic look? You are going to have the most beautiful wedding ever! :)
    I'll be praying for you.


  23. Hey Sis.... I LOVE the whole Boards within Boards idea... I've thought of it myself too! Alas, at least we have a place to organize all our photo ideas!! (Much better than having tons of files on my computer, taking up hard drive space, like I used to!)

    Oh, and yes, and I'm SO excited for you...but then, we knew it was coming, didn't we? Never did I dream it would be Sunday evening though! Mmm...I guess you can't see lovely things like that happening, with such secret keepers like Hank, even hours before! :)
    You are beautiful, inside and out, and you are going to be a wonderful, Godly bride, wife, and mother, Lord-willing, by His grace.
    Meanwhile, you KNOW I'm here for you! <3

    PS. You are SOOOOOO glowing!

  24. Yay! This is so exciting! Please let me know if there is anything that I can do to help! :)

  25. Congratulations!
    That's a very pretty ring. You two make a very cute couple. May God bless you with a large "flock" of children.


  26. oooooo, hydrangea colors! Gorgeous!Love is the most precious gift God has given us! No wonder its so exciting! Checking out your boards now.

  27. Okay, so I admit...I was wondering if something was up when I saw all those engagement photoshoot and wedding boards on Pinterest! LOL!!! I'm so excited for you, Natasha...I was passing around my iPod this morning so my whole family could see your picture. Praise God for a beautiful love story!

  28. Natasha, I can almost feel your excitement! Your wedding is going to be perfect. I'm thrilled your dreams are going to finally be fulfilled! Lovely ring, as well :)

  29. Congrats!!!!

    The ring is lovely and unique.

    I can't wait to hear about your wedding plans in the future.
    ~God Bless~

  30. Oh, congratulations! I will be praying for you as you start this exciting new chapter in your life! :)

  31. Oh my gosh!! Congratulations!!!! I'm so happy for you!!!!


  33. So happy for you two! Congrats! I know you're going to plan one beautiful wedding. I look forward to seeing lots of photos!

  34. Tasha dearest, the fact that this post is really real is making me a bit misty eyed…

    And the fact that YOUR WEDDING is approaching and we get to plan it and I shall fulfill the lifelong dream of standing up with you when you marry your amazing farm boy has still hardly penetrated to my mind, but the words sure look good here. ;D

    Did I mention I'm ridiculously, absurdly excited and happy for you?! Love you both!!

  35. Congradulations! I'm so happy for you! You two are the cutest couple.

  36. Oh my goodness! Congratulations Natasha and Hank!!

  37. Congratulations!!! So excited for you and Hank! Many blessings to you as you plan! You make a lovely couple :D

  38. Congratulations to you both!!! You make a cute couple;) I think a vintage country rustic wedding is a grand idea! Praying that the Lord will richly bless your marriage:)

    P.S.I am one secret blog admirers:P

  39. Wow, Congratulations!! How exciting!! The ring is absolutely stunning, Hank did a awesome job picking it out, for sure.
    May the Lord bless your engagement richly!

  40. Oh my goodness, congratulations!!!
    You are such a cute couple who obviously love the Lord with all your hearts. Congratulations!!! :)

  41. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! That's so exciting!! You two look like an adorable couple. ^^ God's blessings on you two and your marriage.

    decked out in ruffles

  42. Congratulations! I can hardly imagine the state of excitement you must constantly be in! But my best wishes on your plans, and my prayers that they may all be fulfilled.

    Whooptie do! Too cool!


    The eldest sister & singer

  43. Thank you all for your congratulations and for sharing in my excitement! You're all the best and I love you all!! :D


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