
March 2, 2014

Sunday Style // Snowflakes On My Lashes

o u t f i t
purple cardigan // St. John's Bay {Kohl's}
floral jumper // made by me
belt // thrifted {Hospice}
necklace // no's very likely that I stole it from mom.
boots // just my standard winter footwear, which I switched out for flats at church.

I love the way this jumper makes the transition between each season.  Throw a sweater on top and a flannel slip underneath for the cold months, a lighter weight cardigan for spring, and style it like this for summer use.  Works every time!  And the spring colors help to beat the winter blahs.  In fact, I'm thinking I need another jumper this style, maybe with a shorter skirt for swing dancing.  Yes...sounds like a plan.  And the sweater.  It's PURPLE folks!  The best color.  The color of perfection.  My favorite color.  And the length and details are just wonderful, too.

This morning when I stepped outside to do barn chores, I discovered it had snowed at least 8-10 inches over night.  I groaned a bit, since snow that deep usually makes walking to the barn much harder.  But this snow, was incredible.  It was the lightest, fluffiest snow you've ever seen!  When I kicked it up into the air, it sparkled as it drifted slowly back to the ground, looking like down feathers floating on the wind.  Breathtakingly beautiful!  And so easy to walk in.  Thank you Father for making my life easier and more beautiful this morning!  Not only was there a lot of snow, but it's been quite cold here.

I think this face tells the whole story...

Well, it was 10*F outside!  Also, my eyebrows are cracking me up...teehehe.

: :

Today's sermon was a follow up to last week's message on pointing the way to Jesus.  We moved forward and finished the first chapter of John.  In those last verses, we saw how five disciples were brought to the Lord through friends and relatives.  Pastor pointed out that we all have someone in our lives, be they a friend or relative or acquaintance, who needs the Lord.  He encouraged us to pray for opportunities to share the gospel through our everyday lives, and for boldness to speak up.  I definitely need all the encouragement I can get on the "speaking up" bit, so I found this message both inspiring and convicting.

Being the first Sunday of the month, we had communion today and also our monthly potluck.  Some really yummy food today, and some excellent hymn singing and visiting!  I love my church family so much.

: :

And now it's time for me to put on about a thousand layers (I may be exaggerating...but only slightly.) and head outside to feed the animals.  My ewes should be lambing towards the end of this month, so I'm keeping a close eye on them.  Well, a closer eye on them - I always keep an eye on them, especially during the winter.  Can't wait to have little lambs jumping around again!

So, what's the weather doing where you are?
What was your sermon about?
I want to know!

Linking up to...
Perspective} WIW to church


  1. Well, the weather yesterday was a balmy 79 down here! You had snow, and we got azure blue skies and low humidity. It is amazing how different the weather is between the upper West and here in the South. I love your sweater over the floral jumper! The combination is definitely creating that transition look. Plus, purple is right on for the upcoming liturgical season of Lent starting this Ash Wednesday. Do you all celebrate Lent in your church? I love the quiet and reflective journey before Easter each year. I find that it helps to explore the issues that bog us all down in our spiritual journeys while we study again those final weeks of Jesus' ministry.

  2. Looks frigid! It must have been one cold photo-shoot! I love the colors of your jumper--so beautiful.

    It's 3 F here in Iowa with a lot of snow--the drifts are really piling up.

    Yesterday we had a concert at a nursing home and my papa preached about how the Lord has seen him through all his life and will continue to see us through in all our troubles and as we age.

    Sounds like your pastor had a good sermon--something we all need to hear!

  3. This is such a cute outfit!!!

  4. Such a pretty purple cardigan! You look so gorgeous! :) It's really neat that you made your jumper. :)

  5. Love it, love it! The colors look beauteous on you!

    The description of your freshly fallen snow sounds ever so much of our own just a few short days ago! And your reaction to it hit the bull's eye of my own! :)

    I also can't wait for spring, for which it will also bring our own goat kidding! Make sure to share some pictures with us of the darlings once they have arrived!


  6. You look so very pretty! The colors in this outfit look especially nice on you Tahsa, and I love the way you did your hair!

    Love you Dear, Maria:)

  7. I love the image of you looking to the side.
    Your hair looks so great! Love it.
    That sweater's waist is at the perfect spot!
    Thanks for linking up! You are fabulous!

  8. Winnie - We're finally getting some warmer weather here, although certainly not 79*F. ;)
    No, we don't celebrate Lent. The choir is working on two special songs for Resurrection Sunday, though!

    Bethany - I love sharing music at nursing homes! It's a blessing both for the residents and for you:)

    Ella - Thank you! :)

    Callie - I do love my purple cardigan:)

    Cassie - Thank you! Freshly fallen snow is always magical, although I'm happy to see it going away now. ;)
    I will definitely share pictures of my lambs! I know you'll share pics of your kids!

    Maria - Thanks, dear! It's one of my favorite outfits and I do love the colors:)

    Carolyn - I love the fitted waist on this sweater so much! It hits at just the right spot!
    Thank you for hosting! I enjoy linking up so much:)


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