
March 4, 2014

February 2014 // Report Card

And March is coming in like a lion this year, at least where I am.  My birth month always has a few tricks up her sleeve.  We've been dumped on by snow for two days, until we had over a foot...then it got above freezing, so we now have a foot of slush.  I hate slush.  But whatever, at least I only have to be out in it twice a day, and hopefully most of it will be gone by the end of the week.  Getting on with my February report card and pictures...

Photo a Day & Weekly Posting | A+ | So far, so good!  I've been keeping up on both Photo a Day and Sunday Style, and trying to add some variety with other things.  How do you think I'm doing?

KFC after bowling...I know, not very healthy, but SO good!
Dance More | A+ | I forgot about this goal in January.  Went to two swing dances in February, so not doing bad at all!  I love swing dancing so much.

Best swing dance EVER!  The end.

One Cross Stitch a Month | F | I'm starting to get the idea that this just isn't going to happen...but I haven't given up yet.  Not completely, anyway.

Practice shot for the Valentine's Banquet at church.  When we first started attending, a lot of people at church though Alex and I were a couple.  It's rather awkward, having people think your younger brother is your husband.  Eww.

Burlap, sage brush, and red candles for the buffet table centerpiece.

It's so fun helping to transform the church basement into a beautiful dinning area!

Movie "Fast" on Sundays | A+ | I've been doing more reading and less movie watching in general.

Me and my dear friend Sarah.

Buy Less Clothes | B | I was doing super fantastic on this...until I discovered ThredUP.  It's an online consignment store.  Totes awesome!  I bought two dresses, but I used the $15 gift coupon which I got by using Sereina's link, so I didn't spend much. If I can keep it down to one clothing item a month, then I'll be happy. :)

Balloons left over from the banquet make a good photo prop!

Adorable Sarah. :)

Hope Chest | Nothing to report.

Just down the road from us.  Our house is at the base of that mountain.  I love it here so much!

Practice my Mandolin | F | I'm so bad about this.  What I need to do, is put the case where I'll trip over it.

Merlin is getting to be a big, fluffy kitty cat!  And he caught his first mouse the other day in the barn!  At least, the first one that I was sure he caught.  With three mice killers running around, it's a bit hard to tell unless you catch them in the act.

Keep Up on House Cleaning | A+ | I definitely deserve that A+...the floors have never looked cleaner, and I've been doing a lot of organizing.

My bro shoveling a path to the car for me before we leave for church.  I'm so spoiled.

Spend More Time in the Word | B+ | I've really been enjoying the study of Acts we're doing at Wednesday night Bible study!  It's so neat sharing and comparing thoughts with others and discovering new things together.  In my personal study, I've been living in Psalms lately.  During some seasons of your life, it's the best place you could possibly be.  I would like to begin a study on my own, though.  Any suggestions?

Overall, how was February for you?
Anything exciting happen?
I want to know!


  1. I love seeing your report card posts Natasha! You've done a great job with your goals! February was long and cold...this part of the semester is always tough for me, but it has also been really good and growing this year. I haven't gotten as much done as I would have liked, but hopefully March will have better things in store. :)

  2. Putting your case where you trip over it, that is funny but sometimes we need stuff right before our eyes. I forgot all the craft projects I have sometime. Also, I want your cat Merlin. Perfect name too.

  3. This was such a great idea Natasha! I enjoy these posts so much!

    Talking about you and your brother going to the Valentine's dinner was a hilarity! That's a great picture of you two though...

    I adore that picture of you and Kellie and the one of you and Sarah is so nice!


  4. I always enjoy bible studies by Rod and Staff Publishers, if you're looking for a bible study recommendation! They don't have a website that I can direct you to, but their phone number is (606) 522-4348.

    They're a Mennonite publisher, so I have to admit that I personally don't agree with 100% of the responses to their study questions, but I've found that they are a much deeper study of scripture than most bible studies that I've picked up at the Christian bookstore and I like that. :-)

  5. xD Immediate chuckle after reading "Eww" about the insinuation of you and Alex being a couple :)

    Cuteeee photo of you and Sarah.

    Merlin is so big now!!! Wow. He has the same expression of O.O like my big fluff usually has lol

    Who cares KFC is's worth it. Sometimes ;)

    Byyy the way...I nominated you for the Sunshine Award on my blog!

  6. Looks like a successful month to me! Maybe your list was way too ambitious to be hitting all of those areas each month?? Congratulate yourself on those things you focused on and feel good about. Better to enjoy a few things completely than a lot of things half way, I think. Oh, and just sayin'.......I happen to know that one of those empty categories is going to score a teeny tiny victory this month. Curious? Hehehe!

  7. Love the photos Tasha! :) My.... the Valentines banquet was so much fun! Those photos turned out great!
    My February was awesome! God is so gracious!
    Miss you bunches!!
    Hugs from Switzerland...

  8. Lauren - I'm so glad you enjoy them! It makes it much easier to keep track of my goals and try to accomplish them every moneth. :)
    I hope March is better for you and your goals!

    Livia Rachelle - Pretty sure it's the only way I'll remember and make time! lol!
    He sure is a cute kitty, both in looks and personality, and the name really does fit him:)

    Cassie - It makes me happy that you enjoy these posts!
    Hehe! It is a good picture of us;)
    Those are some of my favorite pictures! Love my friends:)

    Melissa - Thanks for the Bible study recommendations! I'll have to look into that. I appreciate an in-depth study.

    Marlen - Thanks! Swing dance is the best, and not very hard either!

    Rachel - lol! Eww is the only thing that describes it! ;D
    Yes, he is getting so big! I had one friend ask if I was feeding him Miracle Grow or something. ;0 Haha, I love the surprised look Merlin gets on his face. It's hilarious!
    I couldn't agree more! Unhealthy, yes...but so worth it.
    Thanks for the nomination!

    Winnie - As long as I keep it in perspective, I'd far rather be a bit overambitious. Very true! I'm enjoying what I have accomplished:)
    Eeep! I can't wait to see what you found!! :D

    Sarah - The banquet was a lot of fun! Loving the balloon pictures so much:)
    Miss you so much!
    (((((hugs back))))


Comments are my one weakness - thanks for taking the time to say hello!