
March 27, 2014

Springtime on the Farm | 2014 Lambs

Sharon, one of Emma's lambs.


Feeding Maryann.  Bonnie loves be with the lambs. :)

Sweet Pea and her twins Leia and Luke.

Kellie and Maryann

Leia and Luke



Maggie and the lamb she didn't reject, Gilligan.

Sharon and Susan, Emma's lambs.

Maggie's lambs Gilligan and Maryann.


Kimmy napping in the sun.


Emma, Sharon, and Susan.

Six healthy babies, three happy mommas.  A very good lambing year, indeed!
She could still surprise me, but at this point I'm thinking that Ingrid isn't pregnant.  She has officially made it to the cull list and I'll be selling her.  Which is sad, because she's a beautiful ewe.  But I can't keep her just because she's pretty.

Okay, gotta go get ready to head to Jenny's house for our crochet day.  Have a lovely day, everyone!

Do you or a friend have baby animals running around this time of year?  I want to know!


  1. The pictures of the lambs are adorable!

    We have had a few baby goats so far. Just the unplanned ones. April will be our biggest kidding month. I can't wait to see what all these new does will have.

    Question: Our lambs were born in December. Are we supposed to shear them this Spring? I can't really imagine they could make it till next Spring.


  2. Oh! SO cute! I can't wait for our kids to be born!
    Maryanne is so small!That's great that everything went well! How fun for you! Probably the most enjoyable part of farming! :)


  3. Kimberly - My lambs aren't sheared for the first time until they're a year old. My two yearlings who were born in April last year will be sheared for the first time this May. People who show their lambs shear them at 6 months, though. I guess it's kind of up to you. :)

  4. Love the photos..and the names for Emma's lambs are perfect! We've had one set of Nubian triplets born, another set soon, and lots of alpaca crias due in the next month too!!
    You'll see 'em all come shearing day, if not before.. ;)
    Have fun at Jenny's..

  5. Oh my goodness, such cuteness! I love Maryann. We'll be bottle-feeding our babies this year in the hopes that we can protect them from the mothers' parasites. Hopefully they'll be much healthier this year!

  6. Thank you for the pictures:-) It's so nice to see everyone doing well.
    Emma is definitely taking on more of her Momma's coloring.

  7. How adorable!! I just want to come and cuddle them, although I am sure they are probably past that point. I can imagine how active they are by now, if they are anything like kids (goat babies that is). They are all so sweet and soft looking. I really like the names you gave them too... Leia and Luke have to be my favorite though! Calvin is such a handsome looking guy... I will have to show his picture to "my" Calvin.: )

    Yup, we have had 5 calves born between this week and last. I am guessing we will have a total of 30+ calves this year, depending on if they all got bred of course.

  8. Tasha, your lambs are just the cutest! Love their colorings too. It looks like Maryann is thriving well on her bottles, the little darlin'! My daughter had 5 Lamancha babies recently and they are all thriving . Plus she is getting tons of extra milk so her cheese business is going great guns as well.

  9. The picture of Kimmy is so hilarious. :) My horse likes to that in ninety degree weather and it nearly always makes my heart skip a beat, since she looks like she has passed out. :)

  10. What precious lambs! Oh my goodness. {Great photos, too, by the way!}
    Hope you enjoyed your crochet day with your friend! I need a day just to finish all those unfinished WIP's someday soon.

  11. I'm making unintelligible noises, because they're so cute. And that's about the sum of what I'm able to say on the subject. :-)

    (Also, it's funny how those locators of visitors like the one you have here never get my location quite right...)


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