
March 31, 2014

Photo a Day // March // Week Four

O N E | You know you've done something right when your dad says the brussels sprouts taste like something you'd get at a fine restaurant!

T W O | Warming up my bottle lamb's milk.

T H R E E | Jenny made these absolutely adorable kitty cats!  

F O U R | What I was working on at Jenny's - a new laptop sleeve for the shop.

F I V E | The Bonnie dog and Muffin kitty.  I love how well my dog and cats get along together.

: :

I had an amazingly awesome week!  Crocheting at Jenny's, going to the theater and seeing Frozen with Kellie and Michelle, perusing the beautiful wool at the Spin-In with Jenny, and square dancing for the first time Saturday night.  A very amazing and blessed week, indeed!  The Lord has been showing me just how perfect His timing is and I praise Him for every lesson He has taught me over the past six months and for His great love for me.

What have you been doing lately?  Any new projects your working on?  I want to know!


  1. Bonnie and Muffin are adorable together!

  2. Oh Yummy! That is just the way we make brussels sprouts too :)

  3. The only way I've ever been able to "successfully" eat brussel sprouts is cooked till tender in seasoned butter. Is that how you cooked them? Otherwise, oh no.

    I agree, Bonnie & Mitten Kitty are adorable. They remind me of my 3 kitties who always slept together on my bed and even under the covers..........all 3 of them!
    Sometimes, by morning, I was partly off the bed!

  4. Mmmmm, brussel sprouts sauted in the pan! Love those new colors for the laptop sleeve. they are so bright and cheerful!

  5. That laptop sleeve looks very Spring-y!
    And those kitties are cute and kind of funny with their large ears.
    You're lucky your dog and cats get along. We don't have a dog, and our aunt's / cousins' dog can't stand cats, so it did not go well when they visited with her once (read: dog had to be tied and there was a lot of barking).

    I'll keep my comments on brussel sprouts to myself. Do you like green peas and green beans? ;-)


Comments are my one weakness - thanks for taking the time to say hello!