
December 24, 2013

Christmas Twenty Thirteen // Formal Jazz

o u t f i t
grey shirt // thrifted {Hospice}
plum tank // thrifted {Hospice}
plum tulle skirt // Kellie Falconer Design
headband // made by me
pearl necklace // made by me
grey ribbon bow belt // just a length of ribbon
plum flower & ribbon brooch // made by me
silver nail polish // Essie

Yes, I LOVE my plum tulle skirt from Kellie's lovely Etsy shop!  I feel like I'm a little girl again, playing dress-up, only it's dress-up for grown-up ladies!  It makes a blissful swishing sound as I walk, only I don't feel like I'm walking.  I feel like I'm floating on a cloud.  

I wanted to have my bro take some photos with the snow in the background, but it was 2*F outside that day.  No thanks, I'll keep my coat and boots on, if you don't mind.  Jenny took these photos for me at the Ladies Christmas Brunch.

I also wore this ensemble to the Spokane Jazz Orchestra Christmas Concert later that evening...

The concert was FABULOUS!!  Far and above exceeding my expectations, which were high.  Well worth the 6 block walk from the car to the theater in 2*F weather while wearing dress shoes. *wink*  And the theater itself was beautiful, as you can see in the pictures.  Thanks to Kellie and Algy for the photos!

Our evening ended around 10:30 at Denny's, eating cheesy fries and hot fudge sundaes, with my bro entertaining the waitress with corny jokes.  The perfect way to end a perfect day, wouldn't you agree?

We are epic.  The end.

: :

Merry Christmas Eve!!
Do you have any Christmas Eve traditions that your family does every year?  I want to know!


  1. Wow! Looks like so much fun! That skirt is beautiful!

  2. Concerts before Christmas are good, and the one I was at was totally worth walking a rather long distance in heels and, um, falling ill (I don't think that was solely that evening's fault, though). I hope you fared better! :-)
    That's an impressive concert hall, by the way!

  3. You are so gorgeous in that Tulle skirt outfit! I love your pearls and headband accessories as well. These up close photos really show the beautiful details of the entire ensemble. The concert hall is quite impressive and I am so happy to hear that you got lots of pictures of the evening to share some of the best fun moments! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas Day with all the hope and love it brings!!

  4. Merry Christmas Natasha!
    I hope your day is a great one:)

    Your outfit is so lovely and festive. I really like the tulle skirt;It looks like it's fun to wear.

  5. Looks so fun! And mmm... now I'm hungry for a hot fudge sundae. ;)

  6. Oh, lovely. This is one of the best Christmas posts I've seen so far. God bless! ♥


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