
December 20, 2013

Christmas Twenty Thirteen // Christmas Brunch

It's snowing outside.  Snow that looks like sifted powdered sugar, coating the ground with a frosty layer.  
Absolutely beautiful.

And I'm inside, warm and cozy, still in my pajama pants (some days, it's completely acceptable), typing away.  You see what I mean?  These are the days I love best.  The peace and quite.  Time to think and reflect.  Anyway...rambling a bit there.

Every year Grace Bible Church has a Christmas Ladies Brunch.  It's an elegant affair, with the three essentials - faith, friends, and food.  Am I right? *grin*

Dinah Raye did the decorating this year, with Laura, Rachel, and myself helping.
I think it looks just like a winter wonderland, don't you?

Jenny and I are totes adorbs.  Just sayin' it, 'cause it's true. *smile*

We played several word games, heard life stories from many inspiring ladies, sang Christmas carols, and, of course, ate the delicious food.

All of the serving was done by these guys...

And they did a wonderful job.  It was so nice not to have to help in the kitchen this time!

Thank you, guys!

I'll be sharing what I wore in an outfit post later.  But, as you can see, I did wear my Kellie Falconer Design tulle skirt...and I. love. it!

Up next, the outfit post and then the Spokane Jazz Orchestra Christmas concert!

Merry Christmas!

Does your church have a special Christmas event?  
Have you gone to any fabulous Christmas parties this year?  
I want to know!


  1. Looks like you had fun. That skirt is so cute! ;)

  2. Ours was really neat...the theme was blue and snowflakes, and we talked about Words. It was really inspiring...
    In fact, it sounds and looks a lot like the one you went to!! ;)
    I just wish I could have stayed longer!! <3

  3. What a beautifully decorated room for your luncheon! It does look like a frozen fairy tale land!! I am so happy that you were able to be a part of it all. And, you look gorgeous in that tulle skirt! Looking forward to your more in-depth post.

    Have I gone to any fabulous parties you ask? WEll, not this year BUT, last night we attended a play in a neighboring small town called the Homecoming. It was set at Walton's Mountain , Virginia ( right down the road from where I grew up in Charlottesville, Va.) on Christmas Eve 1933. The story was about the Spencer family waiting for MR. Spencer to get home from his job way up in Waynesboro, some 40 miles away. It was the depression years and life was really hard. The cast were both adults and children who all did an outstanding job! This play was the inspiration for the Walton TV series and just the sweetest and most heartwarming!!

  4. What fun! Yes, it totally looks like a winter wonderland. Can't wait to see your outfit post!

    I haven't been to too many Christmas parties this year, but earlier in the month we went to one our friends hosted. We spent the night playing games and Scottish Country Dancing, which was tons of fun. :)

  5. We do not do anything special, which is a bit of a pity, by the looks and sound of your special event!
    What I did this year is go to a concert/opera with my sister and her husband as their birthday gift for me, and then we met with a bunch of their friends from church and made pretzels and listened to music and such; it was mostly unplanned and it was wonderful. And they'll be holding a New Year's Eve party, with worship, where I hope I'll manage to come, because last year was perfect.

    Your outfit is so lovely. I really do like the combination of grey and purple. As such, and especially on you.


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