
July 22, 2013

Sunday Style // Denim & Floral

what you get when you ask me for a big, cheesy get one.

o u t f i t
embellished denim vest // stolen borrowed from my mom
floral jumper // made by me
white shirt // gifted
brown flats // thrifted

A wonderful Sunday afternoon spent with my bestie.  We went to church together, enjoyed fellowship with friends, ran a few errands, I gave her driving advice ("There's a person there!!"  Sorry about that, won't happen again...;), she treated me to lunch (Pita Pit - sooo good!), and then we took pictures by my pond.  We don't always have time with just to the two of us, but we really needed it.  And yes, we are Betsy-Tacy.

When you're on Google Chat with your bestie, it's getting late, and you're both editing photos, this is inevitable...

Happy Trails!


  1. That dress is gorgeous! Love it!

  2. Hahahaha!!! Love that final edit!

  3. Haha! We're so cute and awesome;D

  4. Lovely outfit! That first photo is so pretty! Haha, and I love that last picture!

    Decked Out in Ruffles

  5. I like that dress/jumper very much, too... it looks so pretty with the white shirt.

  6. Thank you, ladies! Loved reading your delightful comments, as always:)

    Treskie - Why, thank you! ;D

    Jessi - Thank you for stopping by! I really love that dress, too. :)

    Winnie - *grin*

    Kellie - Oh yes, we are that:D

    Vicki - I wasn't sure if the first photo wasn't over edited. It is, but I rather like it:)

    Hana-Marmota - It's fun pairing different white shirts with this jumper.


Comments are my one weakness - thanks for taking the time to say hello!