
July 27, 2013

It's awesome.

It's awesome...when your friends come over to pick cherries, and spontaneously offer to help you put 3 1/2 tons of hay up in the barn loft.  Then they stay for dinner, and we spend the evening playing music and being our weird selves.  Thank you so much you guys!!  You all know who you are:)

It's awesome...watching the sunrise.  I'm not much of a morning person, but I do occasionally enjoy seeing the sunrise.  Everything is so still and perfect in the morning...and it smells good, too.

It's awesome...driving home at 5:30 AM after dropping your bro off at the airport.  I wasn't too thrilled about getting up super early (no one - no one - should have to get up at 3:30), but the drive home was definitely worth it!

It's awesome...helping to decorate the church basement for the Vacation Bible School Rally.  Way too much fun!  Give Liz and I some crepe paper streamers, balloons, tape, some thumbtacks, and we'll go crazy. Especially Liz - she's a wedding decorator. *grin*

It's awesome...listening to the Psych theme song over...and over...and over.  That's how I roll - I'll be sick of it before long, but right now I LOVE it.  Also, Gus and Shawn are awesome.  Just sayin'...

It's awesome...trail riding.  Need I say more?

It's awesome...jumping into the lake on a hot afternoon.

It's awesome...that someone invented chap-stick.  Thank you, you genius you, whoever thought of putting lip balm in a small plastic tube!

It's awesome...that when God looks at me, He sees me washed clean, redeemed by His son Jesus.  That, is awesome.

It's awesome...talking on the phone with your bro while he's at your Grandma's 80th b-day party in CA, and the phone gets passed around so you talk to quite a few of your aunts and uncles, too.  I love and miss them all so much!

It's awesome...planning a mini road trip with your bestie. :D

It's awesome...browsing Pinterest for an hour a reasonable amount of time and coming up with outfit inspiration for church tomorrow.

It's awesome...looking forward to the North Idaho Fair & Rodeo next month!  Woohoo!!

Question:  What's awesome in your life?  I want to know!


  1. Chapstick IS awesome. Especially since without it, my lips would be as dry as a desert! :P
    I love Psych! My sister and I are currently rewatching all the episodes, and finding they're just as good the second time round. Shawn and Gus are too funny!
    Mini road trips sound like such fun! I'm really itching to go on one myself...It sounds like I'll be going down to Oregon with my aunt next month, so that's not TOO long to wait!(;
    Haha, I wish my hours spent on Pinterest would be so profitable! I'm still not sure what I'm wearing for church must teach me your secrets!

    Decked Out in Ruffles

  2. It's awesome:
    1. Going to a group July birthday party and ending up rolling on the floor laughing because everyone thinks the astronaut cake looks like a fish.
    2. Going out for coffee
    3. Getting offered a dog
    4. Rediscovering the book of James.
    5. Listening to Les Mis because you're crying so hard you can't see. Sounds weird, yes. It's awesome anyway.
    6. Playing violin
    7. Feeling really bored and discovering a new book on the bookshelf
    8. Singing Les Mis
    9. Dressing up
    10. Making tiny paper turtles (Don't ask.)
    I love these "awesome" posts. They really brighten my day. :)

  3. Aaaaaaaaah! YOU LIKE PSYCH!!!! PSYCH IS AWESOME!!! IT's funny, they really grow on you. The first couple I saw I wasn't hugely wild about them and then,... episode three, I was obsessed. :D

    How many have you seen? Ooh, and who do you like better, Shawn or Gus?

  4. It's awesome...that great minds think alike. I'm getting into Psych now myself. :D

  5. that was super fun :) Ooooooh! I'm so glad you like Psych now!! Isn't Shawn funny? :D

    Its awesome watching Once Upon a Time. I LOVE that show. It is EPIC.

  6. "In between the lines there's a lot of obscurity
    I'm not inclined to resign to maturity"

    *dances around and sings along*

    Hehe. Love that show... and the theme song, and Shawn and Gus (and Lassie and Jules!). :D I've seen seasons 1-6 twice now, but I still get all happy when I hear the theme. I highly doubt that the day will come when it fails to put an idiotic grin on my face. :D

  7. Jumping in the lake together, cherry pies, cramming July so full of parties and get-togethers that even I am almost satisfied;D
    Hm, the MacGyver theme song on the piano. Looking forward to a trail ride and orchard sleepover and mini road trip and making the world a more beautiful place in the coming months and years.

    Matthew 6:33.


  8. Finally getting to meet you in person and see your lovely farm! Oh , and eating cherry oies by Lake Pend Oreille with Kellie and family!!

  9. No problem! Thanks for letting us pick your cherries. And playing music in the orchard with fireworks was epic:).

    I love Psych! I spent the night at Laura's one night and we stayed up all night watching it. It was awesome.

    Hey, I'm going to the fair with you guys! Definitely looking forward to it.

  10. Wow, that one Psych reference brought all of the nerds out! ;D

    Vicki - Yeah, ditto on the chapstick. I need it very much.
    Shawn and Gus are hilarious! Love them!
    Ooh, definitely take pictures on your Oregon trip!
    Hmm...I wish I had a secret super power, but I don't. Sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn't;)

    Miss Jane Bennet - Love your "awesome" list!
    Did you take the dog? :)
    The book of James is so, so wonderful. It's been blessing me again, too.
    Crying so hard you can't see is definitely awesome. I fully subscribe to crying over movies and soundtracks.
    It blesses me to know that these posts brighten your day!

    Treskie - YESSSSS!!! It is soooo AWESOME!! :D I know, I wasn't sure at first but 3 episodes in...yep, I'm hooked. ;) I've only seen the first season so far. Sadly, that's the only season available from my library so far. I will find a way!! Hmm...I love them both, and they're hilarious together, but Shawn really tickles me;)

    Ally - How awesome is that?!?! Great minds do think alike! Hooray! Yet another show we can fangirl over together!! :D

    Bella - Oh yes, LOVE Shawn!!
    I really need to watch Once Upon a Time. I know I'll love it.

    Tayler - *starts dancing and singing too* Pretty much love everything about the show so far. Fantastic!

    Kellie - Hehe, this summer has been so wonderfully packed with awesome!
    And that verse was perfect. Thank you so much, dear:) Love you!

    Winnie - That was soooo much fun!! And Lilly's cherry pie was delicious!

    Michelle - Aww, you're welcome:) That was so epic!!
    Haha, sounds like the perfect sleepover!! :D
    I know! I can't wait!!


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