
May 23, 2013

On the Farm | Life Goes On

May has been the busiest month yet, even busier than lambing season in April...and that's saying a lot.  There are so many things that need doing during spring.

The sheepies have been enjoying the tender grass in the orchard and now the rich stuff in the lower pasture.  We've been blessed with the perfect amount of sunshine and rain, and the pastures are all doing so well.

As you may have noticed, they've all been sheared, too.
My sheep were very well behaved this year.  In fact, Hank says they were better than his own sheep.  Yes, this is me gloating...but just a bit. *grin*

I'll be sharing the sheep shearing video sometime soon-ish...I hope.

Miss Picabo the llama went to her new home and is doing very well there.

In the horse trailer - I love how easy llamas are to load.

Here she is with her new pasture mate Savannah...

Checking out her new home...

I'm so thankful to have found a good home for her where she will be well cared for.  And I'm very thankful to only have two llamas to feed of this coming winter.  That'll save me some hay!

Picabo's new home is also the farm where I bought my five extra meat lambs.  They're Katahdins, which is a hair breed instead of a wool breed like mine are.  Not what I'd want for breeding purposes, but they'll do for meat.  I think they're pretty cute, too. ;)

The horses have enjoyed being out on pasture, and I'm happy to be conserving the last of my grass hay.

If you follow me on Twitter, then you know that I had the opportunity to help shear alpacas at a friend's ranch last weekend.  Way too much fun!  I took a lot of pictures so I'll be sharing more about that in a separate post at some point.

I love riding with my dad to the dump and part of the charm is riding in our farm truck, the one I'm sitting on in my header picture.  I love old Ford trucks.  On our way back home my dad pulled of to the side, I slid over, he got back in on the passenger side, and explained to me how the clutch and the stick work.  Yep, my first time driving manual. 
Going up our gravel driveway, dad had me step on the brake and the clutch, stopping the car.  Now I'm pretty sure he was setting me up, because we were going up a slight incline.  When I tried to get going again, the truck died.  I got it going again, hit the gas and popped the clutch.  Ooooh yeah!  Power!!
*bigger grin*
Once I'd parked the truck in our driveway, my dad says, "Okay, now go inside, get your camera, and go take a picture of what you did to the road.  You can put it on your blog."  Hehe...

Yep, he set me up.

This two inch deep rut?  It's mine.

I can't wait to drive the truck again - I think I'm going to really love driving manually.

I'm currently focusing my time on fence fixing, mainly tightening the fence so the animals won't push it over.

Also, I'm bringing home a new addition to my menagerie next Sunday!
Can you guess what "it" is?  Hint: I've never owned this kind of animal before.

That's all for now folks!


  1. I can't wait to see the shearing video! :)


  2. It looks like you have been crazy busy! Your sheep are so cute. :)

    Way to go with that clutch! That was a very impressive rivet.

    I tagged you, if you want do do a tag. :D There have been a lot of them going around lately, haven't there!


  3. Is it a goat?
    Can't wait to see what it is.

  4. Love the photos! Your new sheep are absolutely darling--I love the little brown one!(: also, alpacas are adorable, haha. I can't wait to read your post about shearing them!
    Ooh, and you have llamas? How fun!(:
    Haha, that is a pretty crazy rut! I'm terrified of driving manual myself, after hearing horror stories from my mother, but it sounds like you're getting the hang of it!

    Decked Out in Ruffles

  5. Congrats on learning to drive a manual! Once you've mastered a stick-shifter, you'll be able to drive anything. :-)

    OK, I'm dying of curiosity here--I'm guessing it's a farm animal of some kind. A goat? A donkey/mule? A PIG?!

    God bless, and see you tonight!

  6. Beautiful photos of Spring at the farm! Learning stick shift is a challenge. When I was learning, I spent more time stalling out than ripping up gravel! Hahaha! It takes awhile before you feel like it is second nature so be patient with yourself!

  7. I've been so terrible about answering comments lately, but thank you all for stopping by! I loved reading your comments:)


Comments are my one weakness - thanks for taking the time to say hello!