
May 14, 2013

BB Gun Fun | Vlog no. 2

It was a sunny morning, the first really warm day of spring.  
And who wants to stay inside on a day like that?!  This completely impromptu vlog is the result...

Sorry it's so small...silly YouTube was misbehaving.

You can visit Day by Day's YouTube channel to like, favorite, and share!
Comments are always fun, too;)

Happy Trails, y'all!

Question: What do you enjoy doing with your siblings for spur of the moment fun?  I want to know!

Next week, keep your eyes open for Vlog no. 3 - sheep shearing!


  1. I was just thinking the other day that it would be fun if you did another vlog, and now you did! Awesome-ness! ;D

    Anyways, I loved the video. Shooting down army men sounds pretty fun -- and random! lol! The way your brother edited it together is awesome too.

    Looking forward to your third vlog!

  2. Superb. Love the soundtrack - so much drama. The plastic men, the mud, the kitty glaring in somber grandeur. Your adorable "bye" at the end.

    Brother Alex - brilliant job:)

  3. Fun video, Tasha! I really enjoy hearing "the voice" behind the blog (and seeing the epic take-down of plastic army men). :D

    Spur of the moment sibling fun... well, last night after dinner two of my brothers (18 and 15) and I jumped on the trampoline and relived some of our favorite childhood games. And tonight we randomly decided that a batch of funnel cakes was just begging to be prepared. :D I love that we can do basically anything together and always - or at least, usually - have a blast.

  4. oh my goodness that video is awesome! the music made it pretty epic.

  5. Hahahahaha! Shooting army guys with a kitty in your lap! I love this. You and your brother did an awesome job. The music and the scene of the "shot" army guys in the mud reminded me of scenes I have seen from WWI movies where so much warfare happened in the trenches. So fun to say Hi yesterday on the phone and very much looking forward to meeting you in person in July! Great Vlog and great fun!

  6. You just got so. Much. Cooler. That was WAY AWESOME, Natasha!

    Your brother is excellent at movie making, by the way.

    And I don't know if you're interested, (I completely understand if you're not) But I tagged you here:


  7. Thanks for the comments, ladies! :)


Comments are my one weakness - thanks for taking the time to say hello!