
October 10, 2012


I am absolutely thrilled at the wonderful response and excitement over the Doctor Who blog party!  Hooray for Whovians!  We're so awesome=D  Hop over to Bramblewood Fashion to read Ashley's party announcement and find out more about her DW inspired fashion posts.

Doctor Who Blog Party - October 22nd

I'm thinking about doing some sort of video post sometime in the near future.  Sereina suggested the idea a few days ago, and I've been seriously considering it ever since.  After all, I do love it when other bloggers share a vlog or video.  As Sereina said in her comment, you feel like you "know" the blogger better when you've seen and heard them talk.  So...what do y'all think of me doing a vlog/video post?  I'm not really sure what I'd talk about, although I thought I could take y'all out to meet my sheepies.  Would any of you be interested in that? Or do you have another idea?  Please do let me know your thoughts! :)

And hey, look at that - over 90 followers!  
A warm welcome to all of my new followers!  I'm so happy to have you here!  Also, I admit, excited to have 90+ followers...;)

So, what's new on the farm...I've been wanting to share some pictures but just haven't had time lately.  Maybe at some point.  For now, all of the lambs have gone bye bye.  They'll soon be coming back all wrapped up in white butcher paper.  Can't wait to have the first lamb chops!  Yum!
Now that the lambs are gone, I'm concentrating on getting my ewes ready to go visit the ram next week.  They're living the life right now - alfalfa hay, grain and what's left of the pasture.  No complaints from them!
I picked everything in my garden the other day, except for the carrots and beets.  Some of my tomatoes ripened but mostly they're green, which is fine by me.  Fried green tomatoes are the best!

I finally got the pictures from our Yellowstone trip this spring off of my dad's camera.  Seeing as that was in May, I wonder if anyone is still interested in seeing them...are you?

Life has been so wonderfully full lately.  What with church, Monday night music jams at a friend's house, and getting ready for winter, I've not had much time to be bored.  I'm loving it!  Last Sunday was potluck Sunday.  I love those Sundays the best - extra time to visit with some of my favorite people and extra singing after the potluck.  I do love to sing.

And that's about it as far as random-thoughts-in-my-head goes for today...this morning, actually. *grin*

Have a wonderful day everyone!


  1. Tasha- I say go for it if you would like to do a video. As followers, we would all enjoy a visit with you where we see and hear you . But , if that idea seems too overwhelming, the wonderful photo tours you create are quite fun as well!! I am delighted to know that life has been full of fun and friends for you too. And congratulations on 90 followers!!

  2. Wow, you mentioned my comment in a blog post. I feel special. :)

    Oooh, congrats on 90+ followers! I'm sure you'll be at 100 in no time, cause you have a wonderful blog.

  3. Totally do a vlog! My pathetic computer won't let me upload any of the videos off of my camera, but someday when I get it figured out I have a passel of vids to post - cause video blogs are cool;D

    Just did a happy dance at your GFC box - that is awesome!

  4. A vlog would be lovely! I keep meaning to do one too one of these days, once I get better with my video camera...and come up with some ideas! I'd love an introduction to your sheepies!(:

    Congrats on passing 90! You have such a lovely blog.(:

    ooh, and yes! Please do post your Yellowstone pictures!


  5. Well, I took everyone's advice and went for it! *gulp* The vlog is published=)

    Sereina - *smile* You are very special, and not because I mentioned your comment.
    Thank you!:)

    Kellie - Video blogs are cool. I hope you can do some soon!
    Hehe, isn't it?! :D

    Vicki - Oh, I hope you do a vlog someday! I'd really love that!
    Alright-y, I will definitely share some Yellowstone trip pics sometime soon.

    Thanks for your input, ladies!

  6. I would LOVE to see the rest of your pictures of your Yellowstone visit. I'm more of a Biologian than a Whovian, but I sure respect your tastes.

  7. Mr. Dane - I will definitely be sharing my Yellowstone pictures:)


Comments are my one weakness - thanks for taking the time to say hello!