
September 12, 2012

Kindred Spirits

Chocolate milkshakes, cinnamon rolls and sweet fellowship

Today found Kellie and I at Spirit Lake Books & Coffee, meeting some very special young ladies for the first time.  Well, the first time in person, that is.

Libby, Ellie, Elise, myself, Kellie, and two of Kellie's sisters Clara and Matilda

A few weeks ago, Kellie was contacted by Elise of the beautiful blog Fleur d'Elise.   Elise and her family would be in our area of Idaho for a visit and how did we feel about meeting somewhere?  We thought that sounded like a wonderful idea.  So, we did. :)

Within ten minutes of meeting them, I felt like I'd known these girls for a very long time.  The wonderful home-schooler bond certainly helped, and we enjoyed quoting movies and laughing for several hours while enjoying delicious homemade cinnamon rolls, sandwiches and milkshakes.  Absolutely kindred spirits!

As they'll be in the area for a bit longer, we're hoping to meet up again at Farragut for a game of badminton which, as it turns out, they're also fond of playing.  *grin*

It was an absolute delight meeting you Elise, Libby and Ellie!  I'm very much looking forward to (Lord willing) seeing you again before you leave and continuing to build our friendship.

Happy Trails, y'all!

many thanks to my bro for taking the pictures of us:)


  1. What fun! It is always a treat to meet in person people you 'know' through the blogospere or letters.

  2. Looks like you had such a lovely time.
    Thats so sweet of your brother to take the pictures for you. He's a good photographer.

  3. That was so wonderfully awesome! Beautiful post, and I'm so glad you grabbed those great extra shots.

    I love you girls!

  4. I'll have to remember to visit this little place when I'm next in North Idaho. I may even pick up a second copy of Alex's book while there!

  5. Miss Melody Muffin - It is, indeed! :)

    Kimberly - It was an absolutely wonderful time! My brother is an excellent (and willing) photographer.

    Kellie - Me, too! They turned out better than I thought...the extra shots, that is;)

    Mr. Dane - It's a lovely little shop. I definitely recommend it!


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