
September 8, 2012

Fabulous Blog Ribbon Award

Back before I took my blogging break, Treskie from Occasional Randomness awarded me the...

Hurray!  An award!!  Thanks, Treskie! :D

1) Post the rules on your blog.
2) Name five of your most fabulous moments, either in real life or in the blogosphere.
3) Name five things you love.
4) Name five things you hate.
 5) Pass the ribbon onto five other bloggers and leave them a comment to notify them of their win.

Five of My Most Fabulous Moments
moments in which I was fabulous or moments which were fabulous to me?   Well, since I'm always fabulous (harharhar), I'll go with the later option.

The Epic Pilgrimage of Abbie and Tasha
 Almost two years ago (Yikes!  Has it been that long?!  Really?) my cousin Abbie (she's got an awesome blog) and I went on a trip to sunny Southern California to visit our family down there.  Abbie lives in North Carolina and we don't get to see each other as often as we should (Two years??  Ouch...), so taking a ten day long trip together was the best thing ever.  We stayed up indecently late every single night watching movies (Roman Holiday, Amazing Grace, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Hello Dolly!, Casablanca, to name a few.) and consuming large quantities of chocolate.
During the day, we hung out with our wonderful Grandma Barb, going to the beach, drinking coffee, antique store shopping, visiting my friend Noell, and eating real Mexican food.   Also watching Pride & Prejudice (1995) and eating sushi with my Aunt Liz.   And painting my Uncle John and Aunt Beth's guest bathroom for them (with their blessing and permission, btw;).
It was truly epic.

Every time I get together with Kellie is a fabulous moment. :)

When I discovered Doctor Who.  
I'm not gonna lie - a fabulous moment, indeed!!! =D

And to my first Doctor goes all the credit...
Nine, you were fantastic.
From the moment you first told Rose to "Run!", I was completely hooked.

i love this gif 

Opening my Etsy shop.

Buying my first breeding ewes, Lady Jane and Esther.

Five Things I Love

The Lord

My family

My friends


The Doctor
(hehe - sorry, I couldn't resist;)


Five Things I Hate

Costco - it's sooooo crowded!!


I love being able to drive myself places, but I don't enjoy the driving itself.

Large amounts of the color orange.
{As an accent color, especially with purple and blue, I like it.}

That sounds very un-American, doesn't it? ;)

And I'm passing on this award to...

I know not everyone is into awards and tags, so if you don't want to participate, then don't. :)
Just know that I think your blogs are absolutely fabulous!!

Happy Trails, y'all!


  1. Yay!! Someone else who hates snakes! And loves Idaho! :) Orange isn't my favorite color either.

  2. It is always so interesting to learn what people love or hate! The things that make us "tick" are all so varied and beautiful. And I agree with you about driving-- it is awesome to have the freedom but I love it when someone else has to pay attention to the road. Me, I like to look at the scenery!

  3. Yayyy!!!! Thanks for the tag! I loved reading your answers ;) Will do ASAP!

  4. Miss Melody Muffin - *high fives* :D

    Winnie - I love looking at the scenery, too:)

    Alexandra - *grin* I can't wait to read your answers;)


Comments are my one weakness - thanks for taking the time to say hello!