
April 5, 2012


Well, as you don't seem to be getting tired of seeing my absolutely adorable lambs yet...
...more lamb pictures!
However, these are of me and my brother with the lambs, so there is a slight difference;)

This is Margaret aka Piranha aka Nibblin' Lamb

She'll nibble on anything, including my nose, braid and ear;)

And my younger but taller bro Alex with Nibblin' Lamb...

She's a real sweetheart, and the perfect size for holding and cuddling.

Ingrid and Mycroft

I love, love, love this picture of Margaret between Alex's legs:)

"For without are dogs..." Revelation 22:15
Please forgive my strange sense or humor, but that photo was just begging for that caption.


Sherlock, Watson and mamma Emma
Happy Trails!


  1. haha, your nibbling lamb is too cute! I love how animals can have such funny personalities.(:


  2. Absolute CUTENESS OVERLOAD. I love all these sheep/lamb pics. We have sheep as well and this year we had a total of 21 births! I haven't gotten pics of them, but I should.
    I haven't named any this year, since we're going to be selling them, but I LOVE all your Sherlock themed names. Hahah! Mycroft. LOL! Love it.

  3. I think your lambs are just the sweetest and I never tire of seeing their adorable faces. You look so cute as their shepherdess!

  4. My Goodness, Natasha, what great photos. They all look so content.
    And you and your brother photograph well, too. What was his name again?

  5. As always, the lambs are simply adorable. Now I'm wishing more and more that I lived on a farm so that I could have lambs. Oh well, maybe some day...
    Have a Blessed Week,
    Purity Leigh

  6. Margaret!!! She is such a precious little lambie.

  7. Hello Natasha! I just wanted to let you know that I love your blog, and that I have nominated you for the Versatile Blog Award! Please see my blog for details:
    Hope you can participate!

  8. It seems like I say this every time, but I just loved reading all of your comments!! I guess I just love comments in general;)

    @Lizzy - Oh! I didn't know you had sheep, too!!! Three cheers for March birthdays, classic films and sheep! ;) Please do share pics! I'd really love to see them:)

    @Mr. Dane - Why, that would be non other than the extraordinary Alex of the North Idaho Hat Band! ;)

    @Elaine - Thanks for the award! I'll hop over to check out the details:)


Comments are my one weakness - thanks for taking the time to say hello!