
April 8, 2012

Happy Resurrection Day!

He is risen!

And when the sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome, had bought sweet spices, that they might come and anoint him,
And very early in the morning the first day of the week, they came unto the sepulchre at the rising of the sun.
And they said among themselves, Who shall roll away the stone from the door of the sepulchre?
And when they looked, they saw that the stone was rolled away: for it was very great.
And entering into the sepulchre, they saw a young man sitting on the right side, clothed in a long white garment; and they were affrighted.
And her saith unto them, Be not affrighted: Ye seek Jesus of Nazareth, which was crucified: he is risen; he is not here: behold the place where they laid him.
But go your way, tell his disciples and Peter that he goeth before you into Galilee: there shall ye see him, as he said unto you.
Mark 16:1-7
{bold emphasis mine}

I hope you all had a glorious Resurrection Sunday!

The sun was shining and it was 51*F, so my family and I headed to the lake at Farragut State Park.

There was a bit of a cool breeze, but it was so wonderful to be outside and we didn't mind a bit.

Bonnie was brave and got in the water...but not for long;)

beautiful Lake Pend Orielle
{pronounced pond-er-ray}

It's 65 miles long and 1,150 feet deep in some areas making it the fifth deepest lake in the United States.
Farragut State Park used to be the Farragut Naval Training Station during WWII.  Part of the station is still active and is used for acoustic underwater submarine research.  Pretty cool, huh?

And I think I told you all that before in previous Farragut posts...
Well, now you know again;)

This pair of ducks flew in and landed on the water in front of us.
They're so beautiful:)

The Bonnie dog dislikes sitting on gravel/pebbles/anything-that-pokes-her-rear... she sits on me;)

My awesome brother:)
He gets the credit for most of these pictures.
All I did was edit them.
Thanks Alex!

A smug Bonnie thinking how well her "pet" is trained;)

Happy Trails, y'all!


  1. He is risen, indeed!

    And what a glorious way to spend Resurrection Sunday--out in God's creation. Farragut is one of my favorite places in North Idaho!

    God bless,
    ~"Wild Rose"~

  2. He is risen, indeed.

    The pictures made my heart ache - ouch. I miss you guys. And I miss heavenly Idaho. And I miss the adventures we have when those two things vital to my soul are combined...;D

    But I'm gettin' there just as fast as I can. So watch out. Adventures, here we come!

    Your loving,

    P.S. I'm tying on Aubrey's new Asus tablet - it's quite awesome:) Pretty sure I'm in love...
    P.S.S. You're never safe from the Whittlin' Lamb...!
    P.S.S.S. I miss you. Did I mention that? Good bye. <3

  3. A splendid place to spend Easter and to live near to. I'm glad you all had a mild day, too. If I can come to N. Idaho again, I hope I can stop by the state park and see that deep lake and surrounding mountains myself. Happy week ahead.

  4. Great photos!! So glad you guys had a good day! It was beautiful wasn't it!!

    Bonnie! You crack me up!

  5. I forgot to say that I've never seen a medium-sized dog like Bonnie is, sit on her best friend like that! I did have a very sweet cat named Spirit, though, who, when coming in from outdoors at night through the kitty door, would beeline it right to my bed and burrow under the covers and lie so she could place all four of her paws against my skin to warm them up. I usually jumped! Ha!

  6. Such a wonderful way to spend Easter! I love the picture of the lake and your dog (so cute!).
    Have a Blessed Day!

  7. Bonnie Lass steals the show with that face!! Lake beauty aside, she is so expressive and adorable!! Easter made better with time spent on a sun filled lake front with your favorite brother and sweet Pup! Alleulia, Christ is Risen Indeed, Alleulia!!

  8. Yet another thing I forgot to say (I'm notorious for forgetting). I really like the new photo you have at the top of your blog. I don't know what you call that placement, but it's excellent, and especially angled the way it is. Very artistic.

  9. Ohh, I love this new header with Bonnie and you! Too cute!!

  10. Thanks for your wonderful comments, everyone!

    @Kellie - Yay! My Kellie commented!! =D
    By this time, I hope you're home and that I'll be seeing you very, very soon and that we'll be having our DOTT!!!!! =D
    I've missed you more than I can say - talking on the phone is lovely, but no substitute for actually seeing you.
    Love you tons!!

    @Mr. Dane - If/when you do come up for another visit, we'd love to show you around Farragut!!
    Bonnie...well, Bonnie is an original. I guess she got used to sitting in my lap when she was a pup, and thinks she's still small enough to do that. She's definitely spoiled, but a good dog in spite of that;)

    @Jan - Oh yes!! Beautiful, beautiful day, indeed!!! I'm lovin' this warmer weather=)

    @Winnie and Mr. Dane - Thank you! I'm so glad you both like my new header image=)

  11. What a genuinely nice offer Natasha! I won't hold you to it, though, as who really knows at this time whether I'll be able to travel to N. Idaho again any time soon. But true heartfelt thanks for the thought.


Comments are my one weakness - thanks for taking the time to say hello!