
February 16, 2012

Literary Heroine Blog Party {2012} - The Questions

First of all, a very Happy 20th Birthday to my dear friend Kellie! =)

~* The Questions *~

Introduce yourself!  Divulge your life's vision, likes, dislikes, aspirations, or something completely random!
 (I'm totally stealing this from the intro I wrote for Grace's Jane Austen blog party;)
Hey there!  I'm Natasha Marie. 
If this is your first visit to this crazy world of farm life, crocheting, movie watching and randomness that I call my blog - and my life - then welcome!
I live with my family in the beautiful mountains of North Idaho, about 80 miles from the Canadian border.
In general, I'm a very quiet, shy person, but I love to laugh and be crazy. :)
  I take pleasure in many things including, but not limited to, horses, raising sheep, crocheting, sewing, reading, watching classic films, living in the country, dancing, singing, playing the piano, drinking hot chocolate and enjoying the beauty of God's creation.
As my mother has had Lyme disease for the past 2 years and is confined to a wheelchair at present, I'm the one who takes care of the house and family by cooking, cleaning and grocery shopping.  My wonderful brother helps with the cooking - he's an excellent cook.  I also take care of my small flock of sheep, the horses and the llamas on a our little "farm".  It's not always easy but the Lord has been teaching me and helping me to grow in so many ways, for which I am thankful.

What, to you, forms the essence of a true heroine?  
A true heroine puts the needs of others ahead of her own.  She is gentle and kind, always up for adventure, and always a lady no matter what the circumstances.

Share (up to) four heroines of literature that you most admire and relate to.
 ~Margaret Hale~
Margaret, I admire your strength, your gentleness, your willingness to take care of your mother and help others.

~Jo March~
Dear Jo!  Always getting into scrapes because of your tongue and hasty temper.  We are so alike - we are both learning to think before we speak.

Stepping Heavenward
Kate, for the same reasons as Jo March, you and I are sisters.  Thank you for inspiring me to keep moving forward one step at a time, relying on the Lord for my help and strength.

~Elinor Dashwood~
You're so quiet, calm and strong - I wish I were more like you.

Five of your favorite historical novels?  
The Scarlet Pimpernel (the entire series really, especially El Dorado), The Scottish Chiefs, Captain Blood, Little Women and Pearl Maiden.
Out of those five books who is your favorite main character and why? 
 Oh dear, oh dear...favorite main character.  Well, I picked Sir Percy last year, but this year I'm going to go with Miriam from Pearl Maiden.  She doesn't compromise her faith, even though it means giving up the man she loves.
Out of those five books who is your favorite secondary character and why? 
Hmm...I really don't know. :)
If you were to plan out your dream vacation, where would you travel to - and what would you plan to do there?  Scotland and Austria - I want to do and see everything in Scotland, including a horseback ride cross country over the highlands and on the beach (you really can do that!), and, while I was across the pond, I'd visit my relatives in Austria:)

What is your favorite time period and culture to read about?
 The early American frontier - everything was so new and exciting!  
That's one of the reasons I enjoy James Fenimore Cooper and Zane Grey's books so much.
You have been invited to perform at the local charity concert. Singing, comedy, recitation - what is your act comprised of? 
 Singing, maybe with Kellie or the North Idaho Hat Band (my bro's band).
If you were to attend a party where each guest was to portray a heroine of literature, who would you select to represent? 
Probably Margaret Hale or Jo March.  Or Esther from Ben-Hur.

What are your sentiments on the subject of chocolate?
Delicious stuff! =D
Favorite author(s)?  
Baroness Orczy, G.A. Henty, Jane Austen, Georgette Heyer, James Fenimore Cooper, Rafael Sabatini, Lousia May Alcott, L.M. Montgomery, Zane Grey, Beverly Lewis...shall I continue?
Besides essentials, what would you take on a visiting voyage to a foreign land?
 My journal and scrapbook.

In which century were most of the books you read written?  
19th century
In your opinion, the ultimate hero in literature is… 
Sir Percy Blakeney, of course!!

Describe your ideal dwelling place.  
My house of dreams is...a country victorian style house in the country, surrounded by trees, with a pond and a stream gurgling nearby.  The house will be white with lilac shutters and trim, with a wrap around porch that goes all the way around the house, a bay window with a window seat, a window seat at the end of the upstairs hallway concealed from view by curtains with a "shh, I'm reading" sign, a library with shelves from floor to ceiling with those neat little rolling ladders to reach the topmost books, a kitchen with a cooking island and a big sink, an attic crammed full of old furniture and trunks full of delightful things from days gone by, lace curtains on all the windows, a laundry chute, a music room with a baby grand piano, wood flooring throughout the whole house, and a room set aside as the school room.  Also, no ideal dwelling place of mine would be complete without a barn, so a large barn with plenty of room for my horses, sheep and other livestock, a cozy place for me to sleep during lambing season, and a covered walkway from the barn to the house so I don't have to shovel a path through the snow.  And this ideal dwelling place will be located in the ideal, beautiful state of Idaho!  There - you asked for it;)

Sum up your fashion style in five words.  
vintage * simple * comfort * plaid * feminine
Have you ever wanted to change a character’s name? 
 Heavens, yes! but I can't think of an example at the moment. ;)
In your opinion, the most dastardly villain of all literature is...
  Lady Mar from The Scottish Chiefs - a completely odious, traitorous woman, to be sure!  I also have to say Mr. Wickham from Pride & Prejudice because he's so deceptively pleasant at first glance.
Three favorite Non-fiction books? 
God's Word (of course:), our set of World Book Encyclopedias, and Adam's Synchronological Chart of History.
Your duties met for the day, how would you choose to spend a carefree summer afternoon?
 Sitting on the glider swing reading, riding my horse, taking a nap on the glider swing (I love our glider:), exploring our forest, and drinking lemonade.

Create a verbal sketch of your dream hat - in such a way as will best portray your true character.
A crocheted slouchy hat/beret/tam or a newsie.
And a floppy straw hat for the summer.

Share the most significant event(s) that have marked your life in the past year. 
 My mom being so ill with Lyme disease (duh;), going to the National Oldtime Fiddlers competition in Weiser (not competing, just listening:), wall tent sleepover with Kellie.

Share the Bible passage(s) that have been most inspiring to you recently.
For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,
Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 8:38 & 39

I'm looking forward to reading everyone's answers! =)
And I totally give-up on trying to get the spacing to work on Blogger.  It just won't work.  The end.


  1. Blogger spacing - I gave up, too.

    And I enjoyed your answers - particularly your description of your dream house, that was fun and a lot of it I'd love in my dream house, too. :-)

  2. Hi Natasha- My name is Winnie and I found you through Kellie's blog. I loved your 5 words for clothing and they are very similar to mine! Your farm is quite beautiful from your photos posted--especially love all the critters too. I am so fascinated by your literary knowledge of old movies. Amazing!! You should write for the New York Times or something like that because I bet there are people out there that would love to read reviews before selecting what to watch. Or maybe you can open a small regional library and offer lots of vintage movies and books for the rest of the world to get to know. You could teach classes for homeschool students in the classics at your library. I bet you would be a fantastic teacher with all this knowledge. And, I do love your brother's blue grass band. They are really good.

    1. Hello Winnie!
      I'm delighted you stopped by! Kellie has told me a lot about you:)

      Oh, goodness! You are too kind! I do love classic films and the actors and actresses of the silver screen very much. It's a bit of a hobby for me:) I don't know that I could write for a newspaper or teach about them, but I do enjoy writing reviews and sharing my small amount of knowledge with my blog readers.

      I think my brother's band is rather good myself - I'm so glad you enjoyed them:)

      Thank you so much for commenting - you made my day!


  3. Hello, Natasha! It's wonderful to meet you!

    I especially enjoyed reading about your dream home and your lazy summer day. They sound wonderful!

  4. So fun to read your entry--and I couldn't space mine either.

  5. Thank you for stopping by ladies! It was wonderful meeting all of you, and I've so enjoyed reading all of your answers, too:)

    And I'm immensely relieved to know that I'm not the only one who has trouble with spacing on Blogger;)

  6. I Love Stepping Heavenward! :) Kinda forgot about it when I wrote mine. Can't imagine how I could it is one of my top ten.

    Do you think it feels slighted?

    Lovely answers, Your dream house sounds wonderful! If you find an extra rolling library ladder let me know, I could use one! ;)

    1. I'm sure Stepping Heavenward and Kate will understand;)
      I will definitely let you know if I find an extra rolling ladder=)
      Thank you so much for stopping by!

  7. Hi Natasha Marie! Thank you so much for the lovely commment! We do share a love of Sir Percy Blakeney don't we?! I'm sure you will love "Lysbeth" as much as I did! I loved "Pearl Maiden", but an advantage "Lysbeth" has is that it is deliciously loonngg! Your description of your ideal dwelling place sounded lovely! (Especially the library with ladders!) I too dream of having a library someday! I will have to look up some of the other books/authors you mentioned!
    Have a blessed day in Jesus!

    ~Miss Purity

    @ Keep thy Heart with all Diligence

    1. Hello Miss Purity! Well, I also thank you for your sweet comment:)
      There's no one like Sir Percy Blakeney!!
      I'm definitely looking forward to reading "Lysbeth" - long books are my one weakness;)
      Thank you for stopping by!

  8. Your dream home sounds just lovely!!

  9. Most excellent.
    My skin always runs cold whenever Lady Mar come on the page...;)

    And Blogger spacing... Yurgh. =)

    1. Oh, she is a most treacherous woman... *shudder* ;)

      Thanks for hosting this lovely party, dear! It's been simply fabulous so far=)

  10. Natasha, thank you for your lovely comment, I just had to come on over her and find out more about you! And I am so glad I did. Wow, taking care of your mother and family like you do is such a huge blessing to them, I know this for sure. It is no easy task, Im sure and I pray God continues to give you strength and grace to walk through it. He sees what we do and what we give up, every inch of the way.

    Your home sounds so lovely, and near a forest?? How delightful! Much scope for the imagination I am sure!!

    I love that picture of Jo March, and I love her!

    Your dream home sounds fabulous and a slider swing?–delightful. I must get one.

    Wished I could have joined you for that Oldtime fiddler's competition, ugh––I love fiddle music!! Brilliant.

    Great answers :)))


    1. Thank you so much for your sweet comment, Jeanine! You've encouraged me so much:)

      Yes, my home is in the middle of millions of trees, many of them beautiful cedars. Definitely an abundance of scope for the imagination! It's just lovely here.

      Jo has always been a favorite of mine - I totally relate to her...except I'm not a tomboy at all:)

      I'm convinced that glider swings are the best place for reading and dreaming away a summer afternoon!

      I'm so glad you stopped by!=)


  11. Yay for Jo March and Little Women -- and Elinor from Sense & Sensibility. I absolutely agree. :D


Comments are my one weakness - thanks for taking the time to say hello!