
February 5, 2012

the Jane Austen Literary Garden Party

Come join the Jane Austen Literary Garden Party at Grace's Garden Walk!

{one} let us start by your telling a little bit about your own self. tell us a bit of your personality. perhaps, tell a bit of your interests and pastime. 
Hello!  I'm Natasha Marie.  I'm 22-year-old older daughter living at home with my family in beautiful North Idaho.
In general, I'm a very quiet, shy person, but I love to laugh and be crazy. :)
  I take pleasure in many things including, but not limited to, horses, raising sheep, crocheting, sewing, reading, watching classic films, living in the country, dancing, singing, playing the piano, drinking hot chocolate and enjoying the beauty of God's creation.
As my mother has had Lyme disease for the past 2 years and is confined to a wheelchair at present, I'm the one who takes care of the house and family by cooking, cleaning and grocery shopping.  My wonderful brother helps with the cooking - he's an excellent cook.  I also take care of my small flock of sheep, the horses and the llamas on a our little "farm".  It's not always easy but the Lord has been teaching me and helping me to grow in so many ways, for which I am thankful.

{two} what literary character {whether it be in a film or book} would you say, most describes your personality and mannerisms? 
I've always found it hard to answer questions like this...
I asked my brother what he thought, and he said Margaret Hale from North and South.
{my bro also watches historical dramas with me - he is a real treasure(:}

I think I can live with that...could I please have her wardrobe, too?  Her outfits are gorgeous. *sigh*

{three} what would you describe as the most lovely place to live in 1700's England? a cottage surrounded by woods or a mansion perhaps, to the same resemblance as Pemberley in Miss Austen's Pride and Prejudice.  
I'm completely in love with the cottage by the sea in the 2008 adaptation of Sense & Sensibility.  The crashing waves, the rolling hills, the loneliness - I could live there.
I would like more trees, though.  Other than that, it's perfect.

{four} list some of your favorite and least favorite literary works you have read. 

The Scottish Chiefs
The Scarlet Pimpernel series
The Last of the Mohicans
Little Women
Anne of Green Gables
Captain Blood
Girl of the Limberlost
The Chronicles of Narnia
Little House of the Prairie
Rob Roy
Aunt Jane's Hero
Stepping Heavenward
Sherlock Holmes
Books by Beverly Lewis

I really can't think of a book that I truly disliked...probably because I don't finish books I don't like.

{five} what would you describe as a most admirable heroine? 
A women who loves the Lord with all of her heart, who's fun, quirky, spunky, brave, feminine, a master of witty banter, kind, impeccable taste in clothing, selfless and loving.

{six} if you could spend afternoon tea in the company of your favorite literary heroine, whom would you spend it with? 
I'm quite sure that Miss Lizzy Bennet and I would get along splendidly.  I would also love to take tea with Marguerite Blakeney, Amy Dorrit or Molly Gibson.  Maybe we could all have tea together! :)

{seven} which is to your liking more :: tea or coffee?
I very much enjoy both, but caffeine does really, really weird things to me so I don't drink coffee anymore. :(

{eight} which of Jane Austen's couples are your more fond of?
Emma and Mr. Knightley are probably my favorite, but I also adore Bingley and Jane.

{nine} what is one {a few} of your favorite literary quotes?
"Tomorrow never comes." - Archibald Forbes, In Freedom's Cause by G.A. Henty 

"For what do we live, but to make sport for our neighbours, and laugh at them in our turn?" - Mr. Bennet

"There is one thing, Emma, which a man can always do, if he chuses, and that is, his duty..." - Mr. Knightley 

"I don't play accurately - any one can play accurately - but I play with wonderful expression."  - Algy, The Importance of Being Earnest  

 {ten} are you fond of dancing or singing or reading a good book? 
All three, please!

{eleven} and lastly, as this event is also hosted in celebration of my garden's second anniversary, would you mind explaining perhaps, how you stumbled upon my little plot of earth?
I discovered Grace's lovely garden through Shelfari a few years ago and have been greatly blessed by her sweet words and beautiful posts ever since.


I hope to "see" some of you at the garden party! :)
Have a beautiful, blessed Sunday, ladies!


  1. It was fun to read your answers. I wanted to participate but I'd want to spend some time contemplating my answers, and I guess I better not take the time presently. My favorite Jane Austen couple is also Emma and Mr. Knightley.

  2. I'm so glad you enjoyed reading my answers!:)

  3. The Dashwood's cottage was the exact one I was envisioning!! ;)


  4. Thank you so much, Miss Natasha, for joining my garden party! 'Twas a delightful pleasure to read your answers, and it's always a delight to have you as a guest in my garden walk.

    I hope that you enjoy the rest of the festivities!
    Much love,
    tending her garden @

    1. Thank you, Grace, for hosting such a lovely party! I'm looking forward with great pleasure to the rest of the festivities!

      Love and blessings,

  5. Your life is so wonderfully full of nature and God's creation. Sometimes I'm just struck by that fact. I'm a bit jealous!

    Umm, you are definitely similar to Margaret from North and South - and you look like her too! I remember thinking that last time I watched (part of) it (on youtube;)

    Got your comment - Oh my goodness! I had no idea who that message was from and I couldn't tell what the sound was!!! LOL. It's all clear now...
    I need to call you soon. Like asap. One night when I'm not busy procrastinating on French assignments or some such nonsense...

    1. That makes two of you who think I'm like Margaret. As it's my Cuz and my bro, I'll trust you guys on that:)

      LOL! Now you know;D
      I can't wait to talk to you - do call as soon as you can!=)
      I love you and miss you,


Comments are my one weakness - thanks for taking the time to say hello!