
November 17, 2010

Wallpaper Wednesday

Do you ever have days where you get up in the morning and right away you're just bubbling over with joy and happiness?  That's how I feel today.  I don't know why, I just am.  Actually, that's not entirely true.  I do know why.  It's because once again I've realized just how much Jesus loves me.   Just thinking about that makes me feel so safe and happy and full of joy.   Joy is contagious, so I thought I'd try and "infect" the rest of you with it today:)
For today's wallpaper, I give you Audrey Hepburn, Humphrey Bogart, and William Holden in...Sabrina!
{Full size image located on the Graphic Design page}
Sabrina is without a doubt one of my very favorite movies.  I have a lot of favorite movies - my Blogger profile shows lengthy evidence of that fact - but only a few make it onto my very favorite list.  And this is definitely one of them.   I love romantic comedies.  Humor and romance - can it get any better?   Especially when combined with Audrey Hepburn and Bogie!  Oh yes, I love this movie=) 
"David, you make it sound so vulgar, as if the son of the Mustard King were being offered in marriage to the daughter of the Hot Dog dynasty."
I have fond memories of the first time I saw it.   It was last March when I was visiting my cousins back east.  Fortified with truffles and chocolate dipped nuts (left over from the wedding), Abbie and I stayed up late watching and laughing.  Such fun:) 
Okay, I'm done with my little stroll down memory lane...
Have a wonderful, joy filled day everyone!

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