
November 11, 2010

Wallpaper Wednesday

Today was a simply beautiful day!  A bit chilly, but a wonderful Autumn day.
Last night I promised Bob that I would ride him today if it wasn't raining. 
So, we rode for about an hour, and then I spent the rest of the afternoon playing Risk with Alex and Matthew C.  They were beating me soundly when he had to leave.
Okay, today is Wednesday (really?  I astonish myself sometimes), which means it's time for a new wallpaper...
Presenting, as requested by Abbie and Kellie....Gregory Peck!
{Full size image located on the Graphic Design page}
I decided to go for a simpler look on this one, and I really like how it turned out.  I hope it meets with your approval, Cuz:)
To be honest, Gregory Peck really doesn't do much for me...but I love his eyebrows.
That's all for today, folks!

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