
March 7, 2015

Photo-a-Day + Link-up | March {week one}

ONE | One of my favorite things about this time of year - robin's eggs malted candies.

TWO | Finished up the crochet pattern I was working on.  That project was much more involved than I thought it would be.

THREE | Shipped on of the laptop sleeves to Australia this week!

And that's all there is...this week was insane and I didn't pick up my camera very often.

: :

Now it's your turn!  
Post your photo-a-day pictures on your blog, then share the link in the link-y below!

Link-up Rules:
Follow my blog via GFC, Bloglovin', or email - so you can keep updated on link-up info!
Include a link to my blog in your post.
Please link to your photo post, not your blog home page.
Most of all, have fun exploring and sharing the world around you through your camera lens!

This link-y will be open until March 13th, so you have a whole week to get your post up and share your photos.

I hope you all were more faithful to take photos every day this week than I was!


  1. Lovely pastel, spring colors this week! Absolutely beautiful script on that thank you card. :)

  2. Tasha, I absolutely LOVE those malted milk Robin's eggs too!! Oh my, I could eat an entire bag of them. We are definitely kindred spirits on this candy selection! I love all of your spring colored yarns and projects too.

  3. I love all of the pretty colors in your pictures this week! Your packaging for your shop is too cute!
    I didn't do to well in keeping up with photos this week must have just been a busy week! :)


Comments are my one weakness - thanks for taking the time to say hello!