
February 10, 2015

Christmas 2014

I totally forgot about this post and just rediscovered it...enjoy! :)

: : Christmas Movie Watching : :

Alex came over during Christmas week and we watched two of our favorites, A Christmas Story and Home Alone.  We enjoyed our traditional 'Christmas movie watching snack" of summer sausage, cheese, and crackers, as well as cookies and hot chocolate.

Alex found these adorable minions online (they're actually USB storage devices!) and they had fun exploring the tree, the ivy plant, and my TARDIS teapot!

: : Christmas with Hank's family : :

Hank's family has a schedule for what holidays are spent with which family.  It seemed best to join in, so this year we spent Thanksgiving day with his family, and Christmas day with mine.  So we ended up celebrating with his family the Sunday before Christmas.  We exchanged gifts, ate lots of food, and just enjoyed being together.

: : Christmas Eve : :

We picked up our nieces (their mom was sick) and spent Christmas Eve with Hank's folks.  Hank read them The Grinch and we watched Miracle on 34th Street...I think.  We watched The Bishop's Wife and Christmas in Connecticut with them too, but on a different day.

: : Christmas Day : :

Hank and I, first thing Christmas morning. *grin*  We got up bright and early and opened presents.

Junior Mints, my favorite!  Hank gave me a plum purple Carhart barn coat (I've wanted one for a looong time), some wool socks, and some super nice silk leggings/thermals.  So I'm quite set for cold weather now. *smile*

I made Hank this awesome work vest for Christmas - it has pockets everywhere, because he really loves pockets.  He also got a soup thermos (for taking to work), and a few other things I had saved up over the year.

Scones and hot chocolate for breakfast, we read the Christmas story from the Bible, then I got busy making pumpkin pie to bring to Mom and Dad's.  I just used the recipe on the back of the canned pumpkin.  They turned out really yummy!

Then we headed to my folks house to open more presents!  Once my grandparents arrived we ate our delicious meal, prepared by my bro.  Ham, mashed potatoes (cooked by Hank - they were so yummy!), salad, seafood melts (an appetizer created by my bro - sooo good!), and...all kinds of good food!  Afterwards we played Hungry Hungry Hippos.  Even my dad and my grandpa joined in the game, which never happens!

We gave Alex Uncle Si the Christmas Elf. *grin*

Hank read the book to us 'kids". *wink*

We finished up the day watching The Little Drummer Boy and Monsters University.  And eating.  All day.  It was fun...and I was sooo full!

And thus ended my first Christmas being married.  It was different, not going to deny that, and I missed waking up Christmas morning at my folk's house.  But it was a wonderful Christmas.


  1. Loved the post! What a fun Christmas.... Happy First!! :D

  2. It looks like you had such a lovely Christmas! I love the little minions :)

  3. Wow, you had lots of Christmas celebrations to enjoy! I love that photo of just you and Hank on Christmas morning. Happy, Happy!!

  4. Considering how much fun I had looking at this, Natasha, I can only imagine how jolly your Christmas was! The Uncle Si elf is too cute, as is the picture of Hank reading to you. :)

    One other question: did you use a pattern for Hank's vest? My father has been asking for just such a vest, so I wondering!


  5. Eowyn - I'm so glad you enjoyed seeing our Christmas!
    In answer to your question, I actually made the pattern for the vest by tracing a vest Hank borrowed from work. It was super easy!


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