
January 1, 2015

Twenty Fourteen in Review

In January  I started Photo a Day, got the flu, attended my dear friend Hannah's beautiful Christ centered wedding, and chronicled walks in the snow.

In February  I went to swing dances, thawed out my cold toes, bemoaned my single state on Valentine's Day, celebrated my bro's 22nd birthday with minion cupcakes, shared some outfits I word to church, and enjoyed Game Night.

In March  I turned a quarter of a century old (25 - yikes!), was very surprised by a surprise party thrown by Kellie and Alex, welcomed sweet baby lambs into the world, and slept in the shower one night with my bottle lamb.

In April  Hank asked to court me (on April 1st;) and we began getting to know each other with the intention of marriage, we spent Easter with his family, went for hikes, went sheep shearing together, danced, hauled hay, and had fun shooting guns.

In May  I shared outfit posts, Hank gave me purple tulips, and I updated you on my life in general.  Apparently this was a busy month for me and a boring month on the blog. ;)

In June  I crocheted a wedding present for my (now) sister-in-law Jenny, helped Hank clear brush and put up fence around his property, played Candy Land with Kellie and Alex, went off-roading in Alex's Miata, enjoyed Grandma Barb and Aunt Liz's visit, shot a shotgun for the first time, took pictures of my sheep in the orchard, and more sheep shearing with Hank.

In July  Hank asked me to marry him.  I said yes and began planning our wedding.  I shared more about Grandma and Aunt Liz's visit, spent the 4th of July fishing and 4 wheeling with Hank at his grandparent's, celebrated Hank's birthday, was one of the photographers at Jenny's wedding, and worked on the perimeter fence on our property some more.

In August  I recapped July in photos, sent out wedding invitations,  and went into overdrive planning our wedding.

In September  I shared our engagement photos, and wondered where time had gone.

In October  Hank and I were married (Oct. 4th), went on our honeymoon, and began life as a married couple.  I didn't post at all. :}

In November I shared a few photos from our wedding, got my shop ready for Black Friday, and spent Thanksgiving with Hank's family.

In December I gave you a mini pictorial house tour, said "I love being married!", spent Christmas with my family, and went square dancing on New Years Eve.

2014 was an amazing year.  And that is an understatement.

If I learned one thing during twenty fourteen, it is that when you surrender everything, step back, and allow the Lord to work, He does wonderful things.  I give Him all the credit, praise, and glory for everything that happened this past year and I'm excited to see what He has planned for me (and Hank) in 2015!

: :

And now, my goals for TWENTY FIFTEEN.
  • Read through the Bible - Hank and I are both doing this together.  I'm excited!
  • Pray more - I want to focus on faithfully praying for others.
  • Read more - I usually read at least 50 books a year, and last year...well, it was pathetic.
  • Dance more - can't get enough!
  • Play my mandolin more - yes, that again. ;)

On this blog I'd like to...

  • Photo a Day was so much fun, I'm going to do it again!
  • Share more outfit posts
  • More movie reviews (thanks for the suggestion, Winnie!)
  • Be more faithful to respond to your lovely comments! :)

And that's pretty much it.

: :

Happy New Year, my dear readers!  I'm looking forward to sharing 2015 with you!

What are some of your goals for this year?  I want to know!


  1. That black and white picture at the top is classy.

    Aw, cute lambs! We sold our goats and sheep over a year ago and now I miss kids and lambs in the spring.

    Beautiful tulip!!!!

    Wow- I really like that picture of the ring on the piano.

    Congratulations again on your wedding and your new life.

    Happy New Year, Tasha!!

  2. Enjoyed your recap! Sounds like 2014 was an awesome year! I hope this coming year will be even more delightful.

  3. Happy New Year Tasha from Iceland!! We have been here for a week enjoying snow, lots of sight seeing, and climbing to glaciers. It was an epic way to wrap up 2014 and start 2015. Looking forward to going home and regrouping for a new year. Looking forward to your photo journal for 2015 too. Maybe you can include some of your fantastic Silver Screen Movie reviews too? I for one miss some of your write ups like you use to do.

  4. I too enjoyed the recap of the year, especially the purple flower picture. Can't wait to see what's next!

  5. Miss Melody Muffin - Thank you! Definitely one of my favorite photos from last year:)

    Aww, I would miss not having kids and lambs in the spring, too! :(

    Another of my favorites - thanks:)

    Thank you!
    Happy New Year to you, too!

    Bethany - It was an awesome year:) I hope that 2015 will be delightful for you, too!

    Winnie - Iceland! How fun!! Thank you for the suggestion - I've missed doing movie reviews myself!

    Kalin - Thank you! You too!

    Lana - I'm glad you enjoyed it!

  6. I love your engagement photo!!! And I am so incredibly excited for you that you are now married. Many blessings on your new life together!!


Comments are my one weakness - thanks for taking the time to say hello!