
January 17, 2015

Photo-A-Day + Link-up | January {week two}

ONE | Through my kitchen window.  Ignore the dirtiness of the window.  I thank you.

TWO | Return of the purple tulip!  I may or may not have squealed, "Ooh!  Pretty flowers!!" while at the grocery store with Hank, so he had to buy them for me. *wink*

THREE | Smudge the kitty sitting around with Emma and Phrionnsa.

FOUR | Our wedding vows.  Pastor Paul did such a beautiful job on the ceremony and vows.

FIVE | My "craft room", such as it is.  Needs a bit of organizing.

SIX | Bonnie napping in front of the stove.

SEVEN | Our cute little house.

: :

Now it's your turn!  
Post your photo-a-day pictures on your blog, then share the link in the link-y below!

Link-up Rules:
Follow my blog via GFC, Bloglovin', or email - so you can keep updated on link-up info!
Include a link to my blog in your post.
Please link to your photo post, not your blog home page.
Most of all, have fun exploring and sharing the world around you through your camera lens!

This link-y will be open until January 23rd, so you have a whole week to get your post up and share your photos.

: :

I can't wait to see your photos!


  1. Love it Tasha!! The new curtains on the window...the decor from your wedding in your craft room...mmmm...your house is becoming a home, and I'm SO happy for you!!!
    Something you've wanted for so long.... Love you dearie!!!
    I'd love to link-up....maybe I'll start sooner than later...right now, I'm just trying to catch up with life from the last few months!! Haha ;)

  2. Sweet and cozy pictures! :) Out of curiosity, what breeds of sheep do ya'll have? We have hair sheep, but I'm trying to convince my dad that I need a couple of wool sheep to keep in with our goats. :) I'm love to have a Corriedale because I love spinning that fiber and there are a few somewhat-local farms to us that have that breed available.

  3. Adorable photos, Natasha! They all look so story-bookish. :)

  4. Love the photos of your cozy home! Hmm, the treasures that craft room could produce! Looks like all the essentials are present. I am still coveting that yarn in the window. The colors are so pretty together!

  5. Your blog just makes me smile, Tasha!
    I've been wondering what the wedding vows looked liked, since hearing Pastor mention them in three different weddings I was at this year. . . now I know! Where do you have it hung? It looks like a great reminder!
    Seeing pictures of your house is really fun - thanks for sharing!

  6. All the pictures are lovely! Your house looks so nice and cozy, and I love your wedding vows!

  7. Kristin - We have a pretty wide range of breeds and crossbreeds at the moment. Phrionnsa is a purebred Montadale and our ram is a purebred Columbia. The rest of our sheep have a lot of Suffolk and Targhee, with a bit of Columbie and Romney thrown in. Typically the white face breeds have the better wool. Targhees (which is what my sister-in-law and her husband raise) are nice because they have beautiful soft wool and are also good for meat. Corriedale are nice, too. :) Eventually we'd like to raise purebred sheep, but we still haven't decided which breed we like best. ;)

  8. Katelyn - We have our vows hanging at the bottom of the stairway. I love seeing them every time I walk past:)

  9. I love seeing your photos Natasha! Your house is just adorable and I must admit I'm a tiny bit jealous of that snow! ;)
    Just linked up!


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