
January 30, 2015

Outfit // Purple Winter

l-r: Seven, Margaret, Helen, and Maggie.

Ferdinand, our Columbia ram.  Such a sweetie!

o u t f i t
purple slouch hat // gifted
plaid scarf // gifted
jean jacket // gifted
purple sweater // Kohls (rather long ago)
jeans // Old Navy (ThredUp)
mud boots // who knows

It's been so warm here lately - well, compared to really cold - so during my afternoon walk I decided to try taking outfit photos myself.  Hank is pretty good with my camera, but since he's gone during the day it makes that option unrealistic.  At least until summer when it stays light longer.  So, I'm going to take them myself.  It is admittedly really strange, smiling and posing for your camera.  But pretty fun, too!  The dog thinks it's fun, running around with me.  She thinks it's a game and wants to play, too. *smile*

And I think this is the first outfit that I've styled pants.  I'm sure there are other pictures of me wearing pants, but not in an outfit post.  I love wearing jeans during the cold winter months, even though skirts will always be my favorite.  Sometimes, you just want the freedom.

Are you a skirts or jeans or both girl?
Do you take your outfit photos yourself?
I want to know!


  1. What a nice warm (purple!) winter outfit Natasha! I loved that you included photos of your furry friends too. They look so warm and content in their warm coats. :)

    As you probably know: I don't wear jeans/pants, unless with a tunic and very rarely then. And, Bek is my main photographer unless I rope one of the littles into it! ;)

    Calico Sisters Blog

  2. Love the post...and I agree, pants are awesome for winter!! I like both....and culottes. :)
    Until you and Kellie, I had never even thought to do 'outfit posts', but maybe that's something I'll have to do one day..... So much fun.
    Love you sis!

  3. I love your purple, one of my favorite colors...:) I must say you were them all well though! I would love to wake up see those adorable sheep faces looking at me for a morning walk. Just looking at your pictures makes me smile. I love them.

    As for skirts or jeans, I grew up wearing jeans, so I am accustomed to them. I mostly just wear them for work now and sometimes camping. They are not as comfortable to me as they used to be. I like my stretchy pants now. :) I must admit that I LOVE seeing ladies in skirts. Seeing ladies in modest skirts has a feeling all its own. It paints a picture of loveliness and femininity. I'm glad you like your skirts too!

  4. I'm a skirts girl all the way! :-)

  5. Cute warm outfit for a sunny but chilly Winter day! I think your camera self portraits turned out very well too. It is hard to get it all together by oneself and have it turn out correctly. Love those sweet sheep faces peeking through the fence.

    As to your question about pants and skirts? Well, I find that I lean towards more pants with skirts sprinkled in
    here and there. The older I get, the more pants give me a more polished look as I can accessorize with fun sweaters, shirts and shoes. However, skirts on a hot and humid Florida summer day are the only way to go!!

  6. I love my skirts, but I have probably worn a skirt once in the past year. If I wear them while doing my chores they will get torn up or even pulled off by the animals.


  7. Purple is such a great color for the winter time!!!
    I wear jeans nearly everyday, but I do like wearing a skirt during hot summer days.


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