
November 19, 2014

New in the Shop | Thanksgiving Sale 2014

Stay tuned for sale details on the blog, twitter, and G+.

Well, you all might be ready, but I'm still working to get some new goodies in the shop before the sale starts!  Moving to a new house can cause complete chaos and confusion, especially in the crafting department.  I cannot find my crochet thread and snowflake patterns, which is still puzzling and frustrating me. 

 Despite the temporary setback, my crocheted snowflake ornaments are back in the shop.  Hooray!

So, what's new in the shop?  Embellished gloves!

Cute, unique (all designs are one-of-a-kind), and fabulously affordable.
And now, I need to get busy baking an apple pie for the Thanksgiving get together with our Bible study group tonight.  I'm also looking forward to Thanksgiving dinner with Hank's family this year.  It's going to be fantastic!

What's one thing (or person, or event) that you're really, really thankful for this year?
Any fun Thanksgiving traditions in your family?  I want to know!


  1. Lovely job on the gloves! I hope you find the patterns you're missing. I'm really thankful for my loving family. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Hi Tasha, it is great to hear from you again! So happy you are getting settled in and finding a place for some of your "must haves". Hopefully your crocheting tools and patterns will surface and you can relegate them to a place for easy access. Your shop sale sounds great and I love your adorable embellished gloves. They will make wonderful holiday gifts all tied up with ribbon AND one of your crocheted snowflakes added for sparkle!

    One thing I am really thankful for this year? That is a hard question, but I am grateful for my brother's remission from cancer one year later. Last Fall he was seriously ill, but this year, he is gaining strength and health every day. We are so blessed and grateful!

  3. Yay for Thanksgiving! LOVE, the embellished gloves... so fun! And those snowflakes are so very pretty! Bummer, don't you hate that when you have misplaced something and you *know* it has to be in the house somewhere, so it can't be that hard to find because the house is only so big, right? Suddenly the house seems like it has grown, and gained multiple hid-y holes you weren't aware of.

    What am I thankful for? Well,many things, and YOU are one of them friend! :D


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