
May 13, 2014

Sunday Style // Touch the Sky

o u t f i t
ye olde jean jacket / lace blouse / brown flats // thrifted {Goodwill}
green tank top // thrifted {Dazzle}
purple houndstooth print circle skirt // Shabby Apple
initial necklace // gifted

It's finally warm enough to wear the gloriously purple, fantastically twirly, houndstooth circle skirt!!  As you can see, I paired it with my favorite lace blouse and jean jacket.  I think it works.

A Happy {belated} Mothers Day to all of the mothers who read my blog...and everyone else, too!  You can still have a happy Mothers Day if you're not a mom, right?  I certainly did.  Hank and I met up with his family for lunch after church, then some of us went for a bike ride by the lake.  There's a lovely trail that follows the lake (lake Coeur d'Alene this time), twisting back and forth.  I'm pleased to say that, as out of shape as I am, I made it to the top of the hill without stopping.  Hooray for me!   Everyone else made it as well, so hooray for them, too! *grin* It was a beautiful warm day, perfect for being outside enjoying each others company and God's creation.

Did you do anything with/for your mom on Mothers Day?  I want to know!


  1. Love the last photo. You look beautiful!

  2. The sunshine in these photos is absolutely perfect! I love how you paired your skirt with a lace blouse. The textures go together extremely well. :)

  3. You are so beautiful, my dearest friend. And this outfit is positive poifection!

  4. Your outfit is lovely! And it certainly looks very spring-y and beautiful where you live!


    the Middle Sister and Singer

  5. Such a fun skirt and love how it works for a bicycle ride as well! Are those apple or cherry blossoms blooming in the background? I love your smile in the last photo!

  6. Such an adorable outfit! I love the purple hounds tooth and the lace together. So pretty and girly.

  7. Oh, yes, they do work together! Purple and green and white--one of my favorite color combos! You look so pretty and classy, m'dear. ;-)

    QUOTE: "Did you do anything with/for your mom on Mothers Day? I want to know!"

    I baked her a chocolate cake (OK, actually we baked it together) and covered it in fresh strawberries and (organic!) whipped cream. :-D

    God bless,
    ~"Tom Wild Rose"~

  8. Bethany - Aww, thanks! :)

    Katelyn - I really love those textures together too. Lace blouses are so awesome for adding texture while remaining neutral.

    Kellie - Thank you for saying so, dear. :)

    Brigid - Spring has definitely sprung here! ;)

    Winnie - I actually changed into jeans for the bike ride. The skirt would have worked, but not as practical.
    That's actually the ornamental plum tree in our front yard. Not good for eating, but quite lovely. :)

    Sereina - I love wearing pretty and girly clothes. :)

    Tom - Thank you! I thought you'd like this outfit! :D
    Ooh, chocolate cake sounds so good, especially with fresh strawberries and whipped cream!!

  9. I read nearly all your posts, but hardly ever comment, sorry. *sheepish grin*
    You look lovely--such a pretty outfit. :)
    For Mother's Day we went to two parks, one along the river. It was a really warm day, but nice and cool down by the river. :) A tugboat crew came by to move some barges, which was neat to watch. :) Although, there were these rather large spiders hopping (yes, hopping) all over the rocks we were trying to sit on, so that was a bit distracting. :P

  10. Mary Beth - Well I'm glad you decided to comment. Comments always brighten my day:)
    Hopping spiders?! That sounds rather horrific!! ;)


Comments are my one weakness - thanks for taking the time to say hello!