
May 19, 2014

Photo a Day // May // Weeks 1 & 2

O N E | When you need chocolate, you need chocolate.

T W O | The tulips are out!

T H R E E | Transplanting my plant starts to bigger pots.

F O U R | Lemon bars.  Yum!

F I V E | Sleepy kitty cat.

S I X | I love the beautiful pink blossoms on the ornamental plum tree in our front yard.

S E V E N | Selfie with the bottle lamb. :)

E I G H T | Dancin' at the Post Falls swing dance.  So much fun!

N I N E | A friend's dog...I actually didn't get his name, which is very unusual for me.  Oh well.  He's a sweetie. :)

T E N | More target practice with the .22 rifle.

E L E V E N | A Canada goose got caught in the sheep fence.  My dad and I were able to cut the fence and she/he made her way back to the pond with minimal injury.  

T W E L V E | A surprise package from Winnie full of goodies from her trip to the Netherlands!  Thank you, Winnie!! :D

T H I R T E E N | Flowers from Hank. <3

F O U R T E E N | Hank's harmonicas in their case.


  1. I love that selfie of you and your bottle lamb baby! She is so cute and obviously loves her human mama too. Glad you liked your Dutch surprise. The little shoes are made in the main wooden shoe factory and they were just a must have to give everyone.

  2. Your 'friend's dog's name', is "Homer". ;)
    I love the bouquet...bleeding hearts are my childhood favorite....mmmmm
    Love you!!

  3. The shot with the lamb is so perfect...

  4. That photo of the clogs made me smile. I needed the smile, so thank you. :-)

  5. Wow! Its been a while since I've read your blog! It was so much fun getting caught up again! <3 XX


  6. Winnie - I love that picture so much, too!

    Sarah - Homer. I'll remember that now...I hope. ;)
    Love you, too!

    Matthew - Thanks!

    Hana-Marmota - It makes me so happy that you needed a smile and got one here. :)

    Hannah - I'm so glad you stopped in! :D

  7. Winnie - I love that picture so much, too!

    Sarah - Homer. I'll remember that now...I hope. ;)
    Love you, too!

    Matthew - Thanks!

    Hana-Marmota - It makes me so happy that you needed a smile and got one here. :)

    Hannah - I'm so glad you stopped in! :D


Comments are my one weakness - thanks for taking the time to say hello!