
May 1, 2014

Photo a Day // April // Week 4

O N E | Annie (Hank's oldest niece) with the bottle goat on our Easter Sunday walk.

T W O | Working on the bridal shower present for my friend Liz.

T H R E E | Cinnamon Apple muffins.  Super delicious and easy!  Recipe here.

F O U R | Grooving and listening to Pat Boone on my way to town.

F I V E | Jenny's birthday party!  Aren't Jenny and JD adorable wearing their matching shirts? *smile*

S I X | Liz's bridal shower.  I love how Annie and Ruth just had to sit right up there while Liz opened presents. :)

S E V E N | Mitts enjoyed both the soft wool and the sunshine while I was skirting fleeces.

E I G H T | And the girl who that particular fleece belonged to.  Ingrid went to her new home this week.  She's going to live out the rest of her days as a well loved and cared for pasture pet.  That makes me happy.

N I N E | Country drives, warm spring weather, and mirror shots.

: :

And I can't believe it's May already - Happy May Day, everyone!
And I really can't believe that Hank and I have been officially together for a month now!  April was a supremely happy blur, but it's nice to feel like my feet are almost on the ground again...almost.  My soul craves order and some amount of predictability in my life.  Really, I'm a very boring person. 

But I'm loving this particular change.  It's been so interesting to see how everything around me has changed, and yet hasn't.  How I've changed, and yet haven't.  How the way I look at Hank has changed, and yet hasn't.  He just gets more amazing and wonderful every day.  I can only hope and pray that I make him feel as special as he makes me feel.  I'm so thankful that with everything changing, my heavenly Father never does.  He keeps my life - my world - in balance.  He is my foundation.

It's getting close to a month since I began my training/volunteering at Open Arms, too.  I knew I wanted to be involved with this ministry, but I never knew I'd be so blessed in every area of my life by my fellow volunteers and those I serve.  Sitting and praying with those sweet ladies for morning prayer is such a blessing and quite possibly the best part of my week.  Knowing that the Lord is enabling us to bless others and through that blessing us is so encouraging and edifying!  Loving others as Jesus loves them has always been a struggle for me.  But every morning when I get there, He fills my heart to overflowing with His love.  I feel so unworthy, but He uses me all the same.  It is incredible.  Absolutely incredible.

Besides watching informational DVDs, last week I shadowed Liz while she worked with an Earn While You Learn (EWYL) client, and this week I followed the nurse, Audrey.  I helped her with a PT (pregnancy test), learned how to use a pregnancy wheel (used to estimate how many weeks pregnant someone is and the due date), and shadowed both her and Liz during a walk-in appointment.  By the end of my shift, I was grinning from ear to ear.  I never thought I'd enjoy doing this so much, but I do!  And I praise the Lord for this opportunity!

Goodness, if you made it through everything I had to say, congratulations!
Have a lovely and blessed week, everyone!

That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world;  Philippians 2:15

What's going on in your life?  Big stuff, little stuff...I want to know!


  1. So lovely to read/see a snapshot of your life, Natasha! I am so glad you have been having a lovely spring. :)
    My life has been mostly full of little things lately, but they have been such wonderful things, that they are great joys. :) Like, having breakthrough connections with my horse,having lots of delicious drawing ideas, or just enjoying the perfect freshness of spring!
    ~ Eowyn
    BTW: The picture of Mitts is so cute.

  2. All of your posts lately have made me smile because it's obvious how incredibly happy you are, from your words and the photos of you beaming. :)

  3. I happen to like boring people very much! They're my kind of people for sure! But don't be to hard on yourself, I truly think you are quite interesting and always get excited when a new post shows up in my email! Hugs and blessings to you dear! Merry from,

  4. All of these pictures are so priceless and beautiful! Love the one of your sister with the goat! <3

  5. I've glad you've taken to photography. Its really fun seeing these pictures on your blog :) was the bridal shower fun?

  6. Yummy muffin you got here ...



  7. Eowyn - A breakthrough connection with your horse is a BIG thing, in my opinion! That's so awesome!!

    Kristin - Aww, I loved hearing/reading this! :D

    Merry C. - Well I'm glad someone thinks I'm interesting and enjoys reading my blog! Thanks for saying so, dear:)

    Ashley B. - That's one of my favorite pictures:) It's actually my boyfriend's oldest niece. She sure is a cutie:)

    Bella - I'm so glad you enjoy them! I really enjoy photography...and having a fantastic camera helps so much!
    Yes, the bridal shower was a lot of fun! And there was food, which is always a win. ;D

    Lorna Sharp - Yes, indeed:)


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