
April 7, 2014

Speechless...well, almost.

Well hello there, everyone!

In last week's Sunday Style post, I ended with this... "So much happened yesterday. Something I've been hoping and praying for happened, and I still can't quite believe it. I can't give any details at this time, but suffice to say that the Lord is so good to me!"

My dear blog readers and friends, it is my delight, privilege, and honor to introduce you to Hank...

As of April 1st, Hank and I are courting!  *confetti*

Actually, you've already met Hank on my blog.  Not only is he my special friend, he's my sheep shearer.  Which is very handy, indeed. *smile*

For about two years, I have been praying and seeking the Lord's will, hoping that someday this would happen.  There was a time when it seemed like it never would, but the Lord continued to give me hope.  And now that we are courting, I can't quite believe it.  How are you supposed to react when everything you want most is suddenly handed to you?  I am so blessed...and having a hard time finding the words to fully express what I want to say.  I didn't stop smiling, crying, laughing, and shaking all at the same time for several days.  And I will never stop praising my Heavenly Father for His love and faithfulness.  God is so good!

During these past several years, He has taught me so many things that I couldn't have learned any other way.  To let go of my own will and desires and put them in His hands.  He is the beginning and the end.  He knows me inside and out.  He's got this.  I learned that the only thing I cannot live without, is Jesus.  Also, water and food.  As much as I want something, the only thing I truly need is Him.  I learned to trust in Him, delight in Him, and commit my way to Him.  I am by no means done learning these lessons, but I thank Him for giving me the opportunity to grow through this.  I pray that I will continue to seek His face and will during this new season of my life.

Trust in the Lord, and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed.
Delight thyself also in the Lord: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.
Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.
Psalm 37:3-5

Happy Trails, y'all!


  1. All I have to say is "wreathed in smiles." That's you two in that adorable picture... and that's my heart whenever I think of you<3 <3

  2. I'm so excited for you and Hank! :) And also encouraged by your story... waiting on the Lord for our Someday Man takes time, but it is the best option. :)

  3. I am so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, SOOOOOOOOOO happy for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is so wonderful to see the Lord working in the lives of the people I love! CRAZY AWESOMENESSSSSS!!!! WOOOOOOOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3

  4. I was wondering if something like this was going on, with the little hints you've dropped on your blog lately! :) Congrats! I'm so happy for you.

    P.S. And I agree, it is very handy that he's also your sheep shearer. Ha. :)

  5. You two look very, very happy and I am so delighted that the time has now come to seek a future together! Enjoy this new season of your lives and all the blessings it will bring into your lives.

  6. Congratulations! That's so exciting to hear!

  7. That is fantastic Natasha! Congratulations!
    We'll be praying for you and Hank,
    (with her sister's account)

  8. Congratulations! May God bless you as you enter this new journey in life!

    the Middle Sister and Singer

  9. Oh my goodness! What is one to say when this kind of news is told to them?!
    Wonderful! :)
    I will be praying for you dear!


  10. Congratulations Natasha!! I'm happy for you both. I pray God's Blessings on you both at this exciting time.

  11. Oh my goodness!! So excited for you, congratulations!

  12. Let me be the first to say congratulations, Natasha!! I must confess I was expecting something along these lines! *wink*
    I always look forward to a new blog post from you, ad what good news. I will be praying for you both, that you will have wisdom, discernment, and peace.
    God is good!

  13. Hello!
    I don't comment very much on your blog, but I just had to this time and say "congratulations!" That's so amazing for you both! And you make such a cute couple. :)
    That is awesome that God has been teaching you to trust him with your life. I'll pray you both grow in you relationship with Him as you grow in your relationship with each other!

    ps. Your blog header is utterly scrumptious. I just love it! :)

  14. Congratulations Hank and Natasha! Wishing you happiness and success in your lives and courtship. God bless! :)

  15. I am overwhelmed by my dear bloggy friends response to my news. Thank you all for your congratulations and especially for your prayers!!

    Kellie - Aww...yeah, we are pretty much beaming. ;D

    BatZion Francesca - Thank you! :) Waiting on the Lord is both the hardest thing to do and the most wonderful. He knows what He's doing.

    Ally - Your fangirl is showing. ;D :D :D Thank you so much! It makes me even happier just seeing you so happy! :D :D

    Kristin - That's me, the queen of giving hints. ;) Thank you so much! :)

    Winnie - We are that. :)

    Bethany - Thank you! :D

    Becca - Thank you so much for the prayers!!

    Brigid - Thank you so much!

    Cassie - Wonderful is definitely the word! :D Thank you for your prayers, dear!

    Miss Melody Muffin - I appreciate your prayers so much! Thank you:)

    Lauren - Thank you!

    Meagan - Hehe, me and my hints. ;) Thank you so much for your prayers! God is so good!

    Natalie - I'm so glad you commented! Aww, thank you! I have to agree. :)
    Thank you for your prayers!!
    I kind of love my header, too. :)

    Bethany Carson - Thank you so much!

  16. My, it seems I am quite the last one to comment. : ) Kellie nailed it on the head! "Wreathed in smiles" is exactly you two, and my heart as well when I think about you.: )

    Oh, and that is an adorable picture of you two... I notice Hank didn't wear his "decorations". lol. He does look better without them though. : )

  17. Oh wow Natasha!!! Congrats!!!

  18. I've just started reading your blog but am so happy to see someone get what they have been hoping and praying for. The smile on the two of you says it all. Best Wishes from Mississippi!

  19. Congratulations, Tasha! I'm so happy for you! The grin that appeared when I started reading this is still firmly plastered on my face. :) You guys are adorable together! Ack. Too much amazingness in one post. :D I'll definitely be praying for you both!

  20. I suppose I might as well comment here for the record Tasha.... (Sorry...I was busy last night ;P) I'm so excited for both of you, and have been so blessed and inspired to watch your journey through this, and the joy and all other feelings when it finally came to reality!
    God's timing is so perfect!! Love you sis!! <3

  21. So nice to read this news! After last weeks post i already hoped that this was the news! Gods blessing for this new stage of life! Sjoukje

  22. Awww! How wonderful, Natasha! I'm so happy for you. :D

  23. Yay!!! Ya"ll look like such a cute couple.
    God's timing is so perfect isn't it?

  24. Adding my congratulations to the pot! *Confetti*

    Ahh, methought I remembered he's your sheep shearer. Very handy, indeed. :-D

    May God continue to guide and direct both your lives in this exciting new season, and beyond! Hugs to you, hearty handshakes to Hank, and God bless you both!

    ~"Tom Wild Rose"~

  25. Boy that does come in handy... ; )
    Congratulations!!!! I'm so happy for you.


  26. Wishing EVERY happiness to you and Hank, Natasha. May the courtship be just the beginning. Both of you look great together!


  27. Aw, congratulations Natasha! I'm so happy for you!!! :)

  28. Yay! I'm so excited for you and Hank! May God bless this relationship and draw you two closer to Him through it! <3
    Have a blessed day,
    Purity Leigh

  29. Maria - Hehe! A good think for everyone that he didn't wear his "decorations". ;D

    Megan - Thank you!

    Lana - If I haven't already, then I welcome you to my blog! I'm so glad you stopped by. :)
    Thank you!!

    Tayler - Aww, thank you so much!

    Sarah - For the record, I'm glad you did. ;) And I'm so thankful that you were there to pray with me at church when it happened. :)
    Love you!

    Sjoukje - Thank you so much! :)

    Sereina - :D Thank you! :D

    Ella - His timing is perfect. And I think we're pretty cute together, too. ;)

    Tom - Thank you, Rebekah!

    Kimberly - Very handy. *grin*
    Thank you! :D

    Will - Thank you so much!!

    Lauren - Thank you! :)

    Puirty Leigh - I'm pretty excited myself. ;) Thank you!!

  30. Oh yay!! I used to follow your blog every day but then college happened and my time limits for "fun" internet reading went down. I just now had the chance to check your blog again, and I want to say that I'm so happy for you!! It almost brought a tear to my eye, because you've given us all a glimpse into your life and I am so happy for you as a sister in Christ. <3 Also, I starting courting/dating (not sure which term, but seriously pursuing someone) in January for the first time, so I fully understand some aspects of the joy and excitement that come at a time like this! Thanks for sharing, and have a wonderful day!!!

  31. Cassy - I'm so glad you dropped by again! Thank you so much!
    Congratulations to you, too! :D


Comments are my one weakness - thanks for taking the time to say hello!