
April 21, 2014

Photo a Day // April // Week 3

O N E | Homemade waffles at Kellie's.  The perfect way to start the week, for sure!

T W O | More crochet for the shop.

T H R E E | I didn't stay up to see the blood moon, but I did go outside and take some pictures of the moon.  Unfortunately, there were some clouds in the way, but I still like the way the pictures turned out. :)

F O U R | Special time with two dear friends over coffee and hot chocolate./

F I V E | Green growing things!  Can't wait until I can plant these in the garden!

S I X | Hank and his sheep.  I helped him out with shearing on Saturday, mostly by stuffing fleeces into bags.  I love watching him while he's shearing.  Definitely one of my very favorite things. *smile*

: :

I hope you all had a blessed and restful Easter/Resurrection Day yesterday!  After attending church at the Baptist church his folks go to, I went with Hank up to his aunt's house for Easter dinner.  It was so fun to meet more of his extended family!  They're a loud and goofy bunch, which I love because they remind me of my family.  I have some pictures to share later, so I'll talk more about my Easter then. *smile*

How was your Easter?
Does your family have any traditions?
I want to know!


  1. Happy Easter, Tasha! Your week represented in pictures looked great (especially those waffles and the adorable little nasturtiums). :)

    Usually my family celebrates Easter pretty traditionally with just our immediate family. But this year one of my cousins got married over the weekend, so a big part of my mom's family was gathered together and we definitely made the most of it. :)

  2. Another banner week! I do love that new hat color you are making. And, as I type, my green hat is packed for our trip to the Netherlands today! I might now be around much depending on wifi, but Wool and What Not will be sporting about the tulips and windmills!

  3. Just wondering what is that plant you have growing? I planted the same ones and they are huge now, but I can't for the life of me remember what it was! Thank-you! Loved these posts of your btw :)

  4. Tayler - Happy Easter to you, too!
    I love family weddings and get togethers!! :D

    Winnie - Hooray! I can't wait to see pictures from your trip!!

    Rosi - They're nasturtiums. I'm so glad you enjoy these posts! :)

  5. A belated Happy Resurrection Day to you!

    Heh, well, Mom and I spent our "Easter" driving back from an impromptu all-girl road-trip to Oregon...where Mom and my aunt bought a house!!! (Which is another story entirely.)

    And don't take this wrong, but I've known girls that seem to forget their friends exist once they enter courtship, so it's good to see you and Kellie still hanging out together. You two have such a rare and precious gift....
    Actually, I'm so happy for you and Hank--what a blessing to be courting someone you already know so well!
    OK, I'm done being sentimental and weird now. :-P

    God bless,
    ~"Tom Wild Rose"~

    The color you chose for that hat--it's a very "Tasha" color!

  6. Waffles! I'll have to try Kellie's recipe for waffles. I just don't know how, because I don't have a waffle iron! :D

    Easter Sunday was beautiful this year, with baptism at out church.

    We don't have traditions as such in our family; we used to go for trips on Easter Mondays, but now with half the family elsewhere and my school and so on, no longer. Which is kind of a pity, but well, we still get Easter Sunday, which is the best part anyway. :-)

  7. Tom - Hooray!! I'm so excited for you!
    I've seen that, too. Hank and I were just talking about that, actually. Our two rules are "nothing nauseating" and "nothing least, not all the time". ;)
    Kellie will always be my best friend. I love and value her so much.
    Hank is my special friend. Very, very special.
    Sentimental and weird is okay. ;D
    Definitely a Tasha color. *grin*

    Hana-Marmota - I don't have a waffle iron at this point either...which is a shame, cause those waffles are sooo good!!


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