
April 10, 2014

Blue Skies

A beautiful, peaceful, relaxing day at the lake with my bestie.  Folks, it was about 70*F outside!!  And I think I got a sunburn on one side of my face.  It feels so good!  I love this lake so much.  It's my lake, in my state, and there is no where else I'd rather be.

What do you enjoy doing outside during spring?
Do you have a special place that you go?
I want to know!


  1. The lake is beautiful! My favorite place in the spring is my flower garden--so good to work in it again!

  2. It is indeed a beautiful lake! I know you enjoyed that 70 degree day with Kellie too. Not too much longer till you and friends will be swimming again in the crystal clear waters. So perfect for a summer's day!

  3. Gosh, that lake looks so beautiful! I think I need to visit Idaho sometime and see all the cool places. lol! :D

  4. Is that Pend Oreille? It looks so pretty! When we saw Pend Oreille for the first time after we moved up here, it was October, I think, and the clouds were resting on top of the mountains... It reminded me so much of pictures I have seen of AK.: )

    Hasn't it been amazing outside??? I got my first sunburn of the year this week as well, riding with Math and Laura.

  5. Lakes hidden in the sunshine with only a friend or two and yourself, as you dip your toes in the water and feel the wind, can be one of the most magical things. :) As for the news two posts back... I am so excited for you!!! And I will be praying for both of you. :) I hope you have a lovely evening!
    ~ Eowyn

  6. Beautiful, beautiful photos Natasha! The first one looks like it's near where Alex took me the last time I was up there. I recall looking through my binocs in that direction trying to see something. Now I don't recall what it was! Maybe a beach area?


  7. Those pictures were so pretty - now I want to go down to the lake and have coffee. Spring is a good season. Well... The end of spring. I don't like the beginning of Spring because everything is muddy and dead and horrible and nothing looks nice. But once things start budding I like to go out among the green and just WALK. Nature makes one feel very close to God.

  8. Beautiful!! I am so jealous of your state! I have many favorite places, but I think the quietness of the lakes at the edge of our woods really compares to no other. They are a series of smaller lakes with fields of wildflowers all around and tall grass waiving in the wind. So very peaceful.

  9. What great pictures! I don't really have a specific place I like going in Spring, I just like that I don't hate going outside anymore!

  10. It's lovely, no wonder you like going there! I'd like to go, too. :-)

    There's the surroundings of the town my father used to live in, in Bohemian-Moravian Highlands, that we used to go nearly every Spring... I'd love to again, but I'm afraid I won't have time for it. So I like pretty much anywhere where I can see the green and the flowers and hear the birds sing.

  11. Bethany - I'm always so happy to get back out in my garden, too!

    Winnie - Yep, can't wait to go swimming in the lake this summer!

    Sereina - Yes, you do!! That would be so fun! :D

    Maria - Yes, it's Pend Oreille. We kind of consider it "our" lake. ;)

    Lady Eowyn - Magical, indeed. :) Aww, thank you!! I appreciate your prayers so much!

    Will - Thank you:) Yes, I believe that's about the same spot Alex took you to.

    Bella Rose - Nature does make you feel closer to God. I think that's why I love being outside so much.

    Elizabeth Anne - Idaho is beautiful:) Your lake sounds just lovely, too!

    Rebekah - Thank you:) Hehe, I hear you!

    Hana-Marmota - I wish you could come with us:)
    Green, flowers, and birds singing sound perfect.


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