
March 9, 2014

Sunday Style // How Deep the Father's Love for Us

Listen while you look...
This beautiful hymn has been uplifting me this week and I hope you are blessed by it, too.

o u t f i t
purple bow slouch hat // Wool & Whatnot
purple flower brooch // gifted
jean jacket // thrifted {Goodwill}
lace blouse // thrifted {Goodwill}
tank top // thrifted {Dazzle}
belt // thrifted {Hospice}
blue gingham skirt // made by me
brown flats // thrifted {Goodwill}

I built today's outfit around the perfectly lovely purple flower brooch that dear Winnie sent me for my birthday.  Thank you so much, Winnie!  I can't wait to share the rest of your wonderful birthday package with my readers. *smile*  I knew I had to wear the brooch to church, but what to wear with it?  I rummaged through my closet, did some mixing and matching, and came up with my new favorite outfit.  It's perfect for the weather we've been having here lately - wet and rainy, but about 55*F during the day - plus I get to wear my purple bow hat with goes perfectly with the brooch! 

Today at church we began chapter 2 of the book of John.  It's the account of Jesus' first miracle, turning water into wine at the wedding in Cana.  We'll actually be spending two Sunday's on this topic.  Pastor shared about the history of wine in the Bible.  Because we have a huge diversity of opinion on this topic at our church, he broke us down into three groups.

1. Those who drink wine/alcoholic beverages and don't mind if others do.
2. Those who don't drink any kind of alcoholic beverages, but don't mind if others do.
3. And those who don't drink and don't think anyone else should either.

I fall into the second category.  I've never had alcohol and I don't intend to try it, but as far as my understanding of God's Word goes I don't believe it's a sin to drink, so long as you don't become drunk.  If you wish to drink that's your decision, and I certainly won't judge you for it.

Pastor then shared what his research had turned up on the different kinds of wine mentioned in the Bible, some fermented and some not.  It was interesting to hear a bit about the different methods they used in ancient times for preserving grape juice and keeping it from fermenting.  Very interesting, indeed.

As far as Jesus' miracle goes, I really can't say whether the water he turned into wine was or was not fermented.  I've always been more inclined to think it was, since that seems like a much more powerful miracle, turning water into something that would normally take time to ferment.  However, Pastor questioned the fact that Jesus would choose to make something that could potentially cause people to become drunk as His first miracle.  Which is a very good point, which I have been mulling over in my head.  I guess turning water into juice is pretty miraculous all on it's own, too.  I am still undecided on this though, and honestly, it's not a very important question to me.  Whether it was fermented or not, Jesus still performed a miracle, and I still don't have a problem with other people drinking wine.  So there's my thoughts on the subject.

: :

 Daylight savings.  I kind of hate it...although I don't hate having extra daylight in the evening, I'll admit that!
You can check out my bro's latest Monaco Files vlog and hear Jack's opinion on Daylight Savings!
And now, I'm heading out to feed the animals.  A little over a week and there should be little lambs running around!

What are your thoughts on Daylight Savings?
What song or Bible passage has been blessing you lately?
I want to know!

Linking up to...

Perspective} WIW to church


  1. Thank you for the wonderful overview of church service today!! Again, I feel like I didn't miss out too much....too bad we'll be getting back Sunday *night! :/
    Alex explains Daylight Savings perfectly...
    I'm really appreciating Psalms 39 right now--God is gracious!
    Love and Hugs, Me. =)

  2. I like your skirt. Maybe I already did, I don't know. I like the hang of it and the blue gingham. And I certainly like the way the hat goes with the brooch!
    Also, I could not help but notice the rocks on your porch in one of the photos. :-)

    Sooo... I understand you do not have snow anymore? There is a bit of a relief. This winter, I've been feeling as if our winter was vacationing on your side of the ocean, in addition to yours. :-)

    I'd prefer not to talk about Daylight Savings time right now. A) It starts at a different time over here (go figure); B) we were celebrating my grandma's birthday on Saturday and the men in our family got into a heated debate over it, while we girls could only silently wonder what had got into them. :D

    Interesting thoughts on Cana and wine. I don't think I've ever heard about juice and stuff - even though we did have one minister who tended to give us historical explanations of the background. I only know we once got an explanation on the exact amount of water / wine it was... but it was so long ago, I don't remember.
    Although I am of the same opinion with you - it's fine to drink alcohol (in fact, I do now) if you do not get drunk, and it does not really matter too much in that passage.

    I've recently been... jumped at... by Matthew 5:48 and John's "God is love" (and I've just found out he actually says that two times!). Jumped at from a street "art" that suddenly reminded me of it. (I would have said "street sign", except that has a different meaning in English. :P) It's funny, the ways God's word comes through!

  3. I am so happy you like the little purple pin! You know, I was thinking about your purple hat when I got it because I thought the hat and pin would be fun to wear with your denim jacket. Great minds, eh?

    About the miracle of water into wine. I have always viewed this story as a sort of allegory that the miracle was about Jesus's message that there is always room to extend life giving sustenance at the table. In his day, wine was safer to drink than water and also what was served at banquets. Jesus believed we are all welcomed at the banquet table. He did not discriminate against women, children, the sick or poor. Everyone was welcomed and so to me, the miracle is not about the real life details, but rather the hugely new and radical perspective of extending love and acceptance to the "banquet" of life.

  4. I can't believe I forgot that bit about Cana and the wine that I've always loved most - it got into a Czech song (whose author said he had heard it in a sermon before). It's about saving the best for the last, and the parable drawn from that is that God will give us the best in the end. :-)

  5. I awarded you! :)


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